
106 3 16

Hi! Welcome to...whatever this is where I pretend I haven't written enough KH yet lmao.

Here's the rules and stuff:

-These are shorter than oneshots, and I'll try to aim for 300-400 words max but that's just an estimate.

-I guess I'll do anyone except the mobile people and Dark Road. (Yes, even you Vanitas.

Vanitas: I'm flattered.)

-The characters I'm better at doing will come out faster than the ones I suck at.

-Might be female unless specified otherwise.

-No NSFW stuff. There are innocent (and now that I think about it, underage-) children here. Though I might age the ones up that need to be for other things ig.

-I...don't think I'm doing ships this time.

-I can also do platonic imagines instead of romantic if you want.

-Possibly ADHD!Sora in some of these.

...I don't think I missed anything. If I did, let me know. See you guys soon!

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