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Billie pov
Im playing game with finneas right now at 03:25 am, why? Because fin called me he cant sleep so i invited him to play some shooting game with him.

My beautiful princess y/n is sleeping now. I have to be quiet playing game with finny,

I heard y/n goarns "hg,billie....where"
She said with her husky voice
"Yes baby im here" i hold her hand with my left hand well because im playing my game with my right hand

"Yo billie didn't y/n have a trouble sleeping?" Finneas said in my headset.
Oh yeah she had a trouble sleeping, she only can sleep like 2-3 hours and cant sleep anymore.

But she said if i sleep with her she can finally sleep in peace.

"Yeah why" i whispered and ask finneas from the mic.
"Oh nothing, just make sure i was right" i dont know what does that mean but okay. I just hum in response

Y/n put her hand on my stomach so she can feel me, awww
I chuckled
"Hey fin i think im going to sleep right now im so fukin tired dude" i tell him quietly. "Sure bil no problem im sleepy anyways" "kay' night" "night and sleep well with your fiance" i chuckled at that and sign out from the game

I turn off the xbox and snuggle with y/n

She snuggle into me more. I giggle knowing she already woke up
"Cant sleep darling?" I asked her
She hum in response

"Want me to sing for you mamas?"
I hug her softly for make her comfortable and i kissed her hair

I start humming the song

' me back...when you get this
I sing slowly

Or when you got a minute..
We really need to, talk.

Wait, you know what maybe just forget it..... 'cause by the time you get this

Your number might be...block'

I look her face from my chest and saw her sleeping. She groan a little when i stop singing

I kiss her head again and rub her back

'Stay....and blah,blah,blah
You just want...what you cant..have.
No way, i'll call the cops

If you dont stop, i'll call your dad..'

I take a look on her again and she already fall asleep peacefully.

And there wheres my eyes already tired

"Goodnight my love"

Party favor is so fucking underrated.

Give me ideas and i'll give u 100 dollars😎 /j

Anyways stay save and i love you! <3

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