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Y/n pov
My ear heard murmured outside , the birds are singing, i open my eyes and saw my beautiful girlfriend kissed by the sun

My hand hold her soft cheek softly admire how pretty she is. "morning.." she groan and have a husky voice "morning love. Its 6:35 we should get ready yeah?" I asked her "just a minute.." she groans again and snuggle her face to my chest

"Baby you have tour remember?" I stoke her black hair softly.
"Ughh fine..but! Gimme a kiss firstt" she made a kissy face, I chuckled at that. She's like a litte baby..

"No eww brush your teeth first" I pretend to push her face softly and laugh. she pout at that.

I pinch her cheek "you're so cute, come on lets go" I stand up from the bed. "Hey! I can be hot too you know!" She said while i was walking into the bathroom

"Whatever!" I yelled from the bathroom.

I was brushing my teeth looking down at the sink. Suddenly I felt someone arms around my waist. "Brush my teeth" she rest her head on my shoulder

"Billie Stop being spoiled and go get ready" i said while brushing my teeth, i heard her faking sobs, "okay fine, if i brush your teeth theres no breakfast." I look at her through the mirror and my mouth is full of toothpaste. Her eyes bright up

She take her toothbrush and brush her teeth sudden. I chuckled and clean my mouth with water.
I go off from the bathroom and make some vegan pancakes.

I turn back and my lips met her strawberry lips. I moaned at the sudden kiss. She hold the plates and put it on table beside me.

She pick me up from my ass.
ugh her lips felt like heaven..
Her tongue are so addicting.

I push her slowly. Trying to catch my breath,she lick her lips"hah...can't wait this tour over...i can touch you whenever baby." I can feel my face heated red...

"Mhmm...shut up and eat the pancake" i kissed her cheek softly

"Gosh that girl gonna be death for me"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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