Chapter 1: The Beginning

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They look like diamonds, I thought, while gazing at the starry sky.

A gust of icy wind rustled the canopy of trees below the balcony I was standing on, and sent ripples of shivers over my skin. I did not mind, for the penetrating silence of the night was freedom that preceded the cold or anything else.

I could almost sigh with happiness, but the wrought iron gates to the manor, glinting in a distance, was an ominous reminder of what looms tomorrow. I'll be starting a new school, and get lost in the sea of unfamiliar faces. I'm not too happy about big changes, but my family had to move to the empire's capital, Lumera, for our healer business, so what can I do?

Any sense of pleasure I had earlier vanished with that thought. 'I should go to bed,' I muttered. Turning from the view of the gates, I started towards the glass double doors to my bedroom – and saw a dark silhouette perched on the right edge of the balcony.

I froze. Should I call for the guards? But it's in the middle of the night. Maybe I can handle this myself. The foolish bravery that comes only in the dark of the night strengthened my resolve. My fingers twitched while spells for burning things ran through my mind.

Heart beating wildly, I took a tentative step towards the figure. No response. Bolder, I walked slowly in its direction, until I was directly in front of it. The build suggested that the intruder was a young man. A man in black.

I took in his appearance. Inky, tousled hair, pale skin, lower half of his face hidden by a black veil. Strong dark brows, high cheekbones. So good-looking. But the most beautiful feature of his are the eyes. They were clear, pristine, and blue. The color of frozen ice and its sharp coldness. Those eyes met mine unflinchingly, to stare into the depths of my very soul. I couldn't look away.

'Who are you?' I couldn't help but whisper, 'What do you want?' He remained silent, but reached his gloved hand towards mine. I let him take it. Foolish, I know, but I was under his spell. He held my hand, palm facing upwards, and placed a white flower in my palm. It was a white rose, petals delicate and fresh, untainted. It was stark against his black attire, but its pure whiteness rivalled that of my white nightgown.

I looked up at him, confused by the gesture. Meeting my eyes for one last time, he slipped his hand from mine and vanished into the night.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Dear God, please let me survive today. I plead silently as my horse, Blackie galloped towards the academy. Ostentatious carriages streamed into and out of the gates. As I neared, I could see gilded words floating above the gates with sorcery, glinting in the sunlight:

Ividia Academy

The Empire's finest academy for the Elite

My new school. So grand.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

When I stepped into the lecture classroom, voices hushed and eyes turned and gawked at me. I almost flinched, for attention is not a welcome friend.

The seating is tiered, with the rows of seats going higher and higher like a staircase. There are about ten seats a row and five rows stretched from where I was standing to the back of the classroom. A raised platform near the blackboard held a rostrum for the professors. The walls were made of panels of cherry dark wood, and the high, domed glass ceiling had bright sunlight cascading down in ripples.

Blasted school, I cursed silently, as I kept my head down and hurried up the side stairs, having spotted an empty seat in the left back corner. If only the snobby administration built the stables closer to the main building. I had to keep Blackie there and walk miles back here. These blasted aristocrats and their profound love for carriages. I wouldn't have been late and had to make my grand entrance if it weren't for them.

'Hey!' a female voice pierced through my thoughts and yanked me to the present. 'What's your name?'

I raised my head and there was a girl in braids (with not a single hair out of place) staring pointedly at me. She looked like a living doll, with bright big eyes and full red lips. I swallowed my discomfort and forced a smile, deciding that I needed friends after all to survive.

'I'm Rosalie. It's a pleasure to meet you.' I hear shocked gasps from around me, but was determined not to look at their sources. Yes, I know. I am the only daughter of the House of Kyrin, one of the three Great Houses of our empire, Eilis. It is a big deal here, apparently. I was looking forward to any semblance of anonymity but my hopes were dashed now.

The girl who called me out didn't seem surprised. She flipped her braids and put a hand on her cocked hip. All high and mighty, she haughtily smiled and introduced herself, 'I'm Lalisa Manobal. Call me Lisa.' She looked at me expectantly but I stared at her blankly. Not smiling anymore, she raised an eyebrow and continued, 'From the House of Manobal. You know? The House of Knights? Are you so above us,' she swept a hand at the crowd, 'that you've never heard of any other Great House other than yours?'

Sniggers and gasps rose around us. That was a direct confrontation at my House, and a very rude one at that. I had to suppress the urge to laugh in her face at her mean girl antics.

'I hope I didn't cause any offense. I am not very familiar with the family trees of the rich and powerful, for I was away from the city for such a dreadfully long time. Perhaps you would like to enlighten me further another time? I need to get to my seat.' I gestured to my initial destination before her interception, implying that she was insignificant and blocking my way. I took great satisfaction of seeing her turn red. The classroom was now pin-drop silent. Surprise, surprise, I can bite. You little bastards.

'Oh, I wasn't too aware that you just arrived, darling. So lovely that you could join us in Ividia Academy and Lumera ((in case you forgot, that is the name of the capital)).' She turned her body to a side to let me through. When I passed her, she whispered into my ear, 'Bitch.' I ignored her and went my way.

So much for surviving today, I thought bitterly, as I sat down.

Somebody tapped me lightly on the left arm, so I turned and found this angelic girl with doe eyes and sweet cherry lips right next to me.

'Hello, Rosalie. Just ignore Lisa and the others. I'm Lee Ji-eun, and you can call me IU. I hope that we could be good friends.' She beamed at me, lighting up her whole face. 

Who's your favourite character so far? Let me know in the doobly-doo! (Okay, doobly-doo means the comments section. I watch and love vlogbrothers and I had to adopt that super cute nickname.)

VOTE to find out who's Mr Masked Guy ;) Love, Daisy.

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