Chapter 3: Lost in the Library

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'I still can't believe he just left you there!' said IU, shaking her head disapprovingly. We were walking down the hallway, polished black marble floors gleaming. Towering columns of white stones rose from the sides every few steps, uniting at the high ceiling to form arches, which were carved with the four elements of sorcery: Fire, Water, Earth and Air. It was the Sorcery wing after all. Brass chandeliers suspend from the ceiling, lit with everlasting light magic.

Classes had ended for the day. Our last class, which we had just left, is 'History of Sorcery', taught by the bushy beard, twinkle-eyed Professor Barker. Jovial and passionate, he talked about the Academy's founding. Two centuries ago, the Great Houses then – Ikea, Appel and Narnia – came together with their massive bank vaults and army of talented Sorcerers, Healers and Knights to build Ividia Academy. Since then, Ividea Academy had been grooming batches and batches of aristocrats (along with the selected commoners, who were bestowed an oh-so-prestigious scholarship) as the 'future of the Empire'. Also, thanks to the Academy, Sorcery, Healing and Swordsmanship had been the unquestionable Pillars of the Empire. As the saying goes, 'Great Houses rise and fall; the Pillars do not.'

To train in Sorcery requires a born-talent in it. Some aspects Healing does not need born-talent, like bandaging mild wounds; some do, like mending fatal wounds using Healing magic. Swordsmanship does not need a born-talent at all. Born-talent runs through the person's blood; it is inherited genetically, like blue eyes or red hair. An individual can have multiple blood-talents. Even if one has none, there's always Swordsmanship as the way to fame and fortune.

My family, House of Kyrin, has strong Healing magic in our blood; that's how our forebears challenged the former Great House of Ikea and superseded them a century ago. Moreover, I had received my maternal grandmother's born-talent for Sorcery. My mother's side of the family is small and insignificant. They were rooted to one of the small island colonies off the Kesaar Dynasty, which was known for its holiday destinations and quality seafood. In short, they were sea people, through and through. My father met my mother when he was on a business trip to the Kesaar Dynasty and their ship had stopped for food and water at my mother's home. They married for love.

I'd never met my maternal family. There used to be occasional letters and gifts, but after my mother passed away ten years ago, we'd heard nothing from them.

I sometimes felt a gnawing sense of loneliness. Especially during festivals, when our neighbors and friends would have homes with doors thrown open and filled to the rim with family; mine would be all empty except for my father, brother and I.

Anyway, back to the topic on born-talent. I have Healing and Sorcery as born-talent. My eldest brother, and also heir to the duchy, Jin, also has Healing and Sorcery. My father, Lord Kyrin, has no born-talent but is extremely, fiercely intelligent and an expert Swordsmaster. It is thanks to him, that our family Healing business is booming. IU has a born-talent in Sorcery, and I quote, 'badass swordsfighting skills'.

Now, back to the present.

'It's fine. His friends dragged him away. He did spare a second to tell me 'Catch you later!' though.' I kept a light tone, trying to keep the twinge of disappointment from my voice. After our short reunion, Jeonghan told me to stay put, and I did, but he blew me off when training ended. Still, it's not my place to judge.

'He said the exact same thing the first time!' IU exclaimed, exasperated. 'Rosalie, I've just met you half a day and by now I'd realized that what makes you sweet is also your weakness. You're too laid back! Seriously! If I were you, I would have slapped Lisa when she was so incredibly mean. And Jeonghan blew you off and you're totally okay with that?' IU huffed.

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