Fantastic Three (Part-1)

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Royce and I came back from our honeymoon last week from Maldives and currently we were in his forest training. So Royce said that he can beat me in hand to hand combat. Huh! Men and their confidence that they can beat women so easily.

I was about to punch Royce in his nose but suddenly he moved his head away in the right direction, making me lose my balance. And I fell to the ground on my face. "What the hell Royce?" I said.

"I didn't expected you to be that harsh!" I said again.

"Shhhh..." he said and moved closer towards the bushes and I watched him carefully while lying on the ground like a mermaid. When he removed the bushes I saw Ryan with Elena and they were kissing. Then I laughed and whistled but Royce was angry as hell.

Elena got really embarrassed and after brushing a hand on her uniform she ran away.

"So, still cheating on your girlfriend with a cleaner?" Royce said and I was shocked because I never knew he had a girlfriend and he was cheating on her?

Ryan gritted his teeth and said "mind your business brother" and was walking away but Royce took his arm and said in angry tone "In my office! After 15 minutes"

"I guess our charismatic training is over!" I said to Royce who was still pissed. He came towards me and kissed my forehead "Sorry love! I'll see you in a while" he said and walked towards the mansion.

While I was walking towards my bedroom I felt my phone dinged with a message. When I opened my phone I saw a text from Dante.

'Let's meet up?' He texted
'Sure!' I replied
'Wait I'll text you the address' He texted again.


I am standing outside a fancy restaurant, hmmmm... According to my research it's one of the most expensive and amazing restaurant in Italy, I know Dante very well, he is not the type of person who will go for place like this for a siblings meet up, there is only one person on this planet who will go for a place like this and honestly I'm not in a mood for her!

"Aryaaa.... My Sweet, Sweet sister! Look at you, you are glowing!" Andrea said in her high pitched voice while getting out of the car.

Oh man! Not her again. She is the last person I want to see. I'm going to kill Dante for not telling me this.

She was wearing some very expensive green colour dress with matching high heels.

Fucking blonde bitch! She was walking towards me very fast and suddenly she tripped for a moment. "Ouch, bloody hell!" She said while checking her heel whether it's broken or not and when she was satisfied then she again started walking towards me. When she reached, she smiled! She is being so nice to me; I wonder what she wants this time.

"Andrea what a surprise! I wasn't expecting you at all!" I said with a fake smile.

"Oh! I know! I asked Dante to keep it a surprise, I know you love me Arya!" She said with cheeky smile and intervene our arms.

We went into the restaurant and found Dante sitting on one of the tables; we make our way to him.

"Look at you, Mrs. Bianchi is it now?" Dante said while hugging me tightly. God I really missed him. "Hey! I'll always be your little sister." I said while returning the hug.

We then took our seats; a waiter came towards us and handed out menus to us.
We later ordered the food.

"You know I wonder how the wedding was." Andrea said. "It was beautiful" I replied with a smile remembering all the moments subtracting the one with the Ruby.

"Well I would've come! You know! But... I was on the list!" She said laughing nervously.

"The list?" I asked in confusion.

"Oh yeah! Royce had a list named 'shoot on sight' and I my name was listed on the top" Andrea said.

Oh wow! Really, I wonder who else was on that list. "Oh I didn't know!" I said.

"Oh! Of course otherwise I would've been the maid of honor instead of that Sabrina!" She said through gritted teeth. I can see the jealousy coming out her.

"So how's Akim?" She asked. "I talked to him this morning, he is doing fine!" I said to which she nodded.

"So Dante! How's your life?" I asked ignoring Andrea and he chuckled. "I have someone in my life! Someone special" he said which got both mine and Andrea's attention.

We both turned towards him! "Why not we all have a family lunch tomorrow and I'll introduce her to our family" he said while blushing.

"! Dante you are in love" I cooed which made him blush harder.

"I'm happy for you" Andrea said with a sad smile.

"Arya I'm sorry! For whatever I did to you, I hope you forgive me some day!" Andrea said to me.

Well well well what do we have here! Andrea AKA blonde bitch! Apologizing? I narrowed my eyes towards her and said "spit it out already! What do you want?"

She sighed and said "please please please! Help me Arya; you are the only one who can help me! Your husband is after me! He is going to kill me."

"Agh! And you want me to talk to him, so that he let you live! Is that so?"

She was literally crying and begging for help. Such a drama queen! I rolled my eyes and said "I'm not promising you anything, but I'll talk to him" she got super excited and happy and came towards me kissing and hugging me.

"Get off me you..." I said while pushing her away. She went back towards her seat panting.

Later a woman came towards our table and introduced herself "Hi! I'm Susan, you don't know me but I know you!" She said while smiling.

There is something about her that I don't like; I don't know what it is but....

"Hi! I'm Arya Bianchi! I think we never met" I said. She giggled and said "I'm Ryan's girlfriend, I couldn't make up to your wedding, I was out of country but I heard a lot about you and it's so nice to meet you finally!"

Oh okay! This is awkward. I put up a forced smile and shook her hand. And she went away saying she has to be somewhere and she will meet me soon.

I turned around and in the middle of the crowd I saw a face that still haunts me in my dreams. My ex- boyfriend.

He found me! Oh my god!

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