Fantastic Three (Part-2)

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I was shocked for a moment, and then I realized it wasn't him, it was someone else. Maybe my imagination. I'm not ready to face Rex yet.

Our food arrived and I was actually starving like hell. While I was eating Dante and Andrea were staring at me like they have seen a ghost.

"What?" I asked "nothing, you just ate a lot, never seen you like this before" Dante said and I rolled my eyes.

"You bitch!" Some brunette said to Andrea. We all turned towards her, she looks scary man. Sweat was all over her face. What is her problem? Everyone in the restaurant was looking our way. God this is embarrassing!

Andrea got supper pissed and said "what do you want now Angelina?"

"You whore! You slept with my husband; my marriage is a mess because of you!" Angelina accused Andrea.

Well I was expecting this from Andrea, whatever happens in her life she will never change. She will be same bitch she was when we were kids. Greedy, manipulative and untrustworthy.

Andrea rolled her eyes and said "I didn't beg him to sleep with me! He did, he came to me! Practically begged me! And also told me that he does not love you at all." She then smirked.

I think this made that Angelica or Angelina whatever her name is mad because she was fuming with anger!

It happened in a blink of an eye, she was on top of Andrea pulling her hair and scratching her face with her long wild nails and Andrea started screaming.

"Get off me you freak! Help me!" Andrea screamed again.

"You bitch! You think you can get away with this huh?" Angelina said while slapping Andrea.

I was too shocked, and was definitely enjoying the scene. Later people in the background started cheering, picking up side.

Andrea flipped Angelina, so now she is on the top and started punching her! The crowd erupted and started screaming Andrea's name. They all took out their cell phones and started making videos.

Dante came between them both and stop the fight; later the security came and threw that Angelina out of the restaurant.

Andrea looked like some truck ran over her. Her face was all red, hair messy, her dress is torn now! And she has scratches all over her arms and face, God she looks pathetic and she was panting hard.

"Well did you look at her, I broke her centre teeth!" She said while laughing evilly. She is one heck of a crazy bitch I've ever seen in my life.

Suddenly I felt dizzy, but balanced myself. Then I felt bile in my throat and next thing I know I puked on Andrea.

"Oh my fucking god! Aryaaaaa......what the fuck!" Andrea screamed again gaining attention of all the people.
"My Gucci dress you ruined it! Oh for the love of God!" She screamed.

"You did it on purpose didn't you?" She said.

I couldn't reply because I was feeling dizzy again. And then everything went black.


"Oh my! Arya? Shit!" Dante said. He panicked and took her in his arms and lead in the direction towards his car, Andrea followed him like a lost puppy.

"Is she dead? If she is then Royce will going to think I'm the one who killed her! And he will slaughter me like a pig Dante! Oh my god!" Andrea said panicking.

Andrea then checked Arya's breathing and pulse. "Thank god she is alive!" She said and Dante glared at Andrea "what? I'm happy she is alive!" She said. "Wait! Till Royce finds out about this! Dante said which made Andrea gulp in fear.

"Call him!" Dante said to Andrea. "What?" Andrea said panicking.
"Tell him we are taking her to the hospital!" Dante said. "No! Are you out of your mind! I am not calling him" Andrea replied. "I am driving Andrea!" he shouted in anger.

She then took Arya's phone and dialed Royce number. "Hello?" Royce said.
"We are taking Arya to hospital right now! I'm sending you the address" Andrea said and ended the call.
Her heart was beating so loud, that even she could hear it.

Arya was inside and doctors were checking upon her. Royce came barging in the hospital. He had a deadly aura around him. His eyes then lay on Andrea, he went straight towards her and started started choking her. "You bitch! I'll kill you!" He roared. Well she could have been dead if the doctor didn't come at the right time.

"Are you the patient's husband?" The doctor asked Royce to which he nodded and threw Andrea on the floor. He then turned towards the male doctor.

"Congratulations!Your wife is pregnant" Doctor said with a smile.

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