It's been 2 months as I'm writing this. We're halfway done with the construction. Everyone here besides Paper think that Nightmare has the ability to make all their wishes come true. I'm with Paper on this one, I doubt it.
Builder got stuck today, he fell down onto one of the spikes and lost his hammer. Now it's up to us to finish construction. Toby is starting to think really weird things. He thinks that Nightmare Guy created the path across islands and it was then destroyed, but he has literally nothing to prove it.
Builder is getting cold down there, we tried supplying him with blankets but they eventually fall off while asleep. Now that I think of it, what's even down there? Surprisingly, not even Mecha knows how.
Ever since I woke up here, nobody has known what to call me. People called me "Wandering Guy," or "Clueless Guy." But now they've all come to agreement to call me "Cold Guy." I personally don't believe the name fits me, but I'm just glad I actually have a name here now.
3 months since I woke up on factory island, I decided to visit everyone in celebration, most of them have loved having me here, Builder and Geared are kind of unsure. But who the hell cares? At least I made a friend on this wasteland.
Alright, this is big. Builder was exploring the spikes and found him. They talked about finding an escape and Nightmare pretty much said "screw off." So we still got nothing, just a location.
Builder brought me Paper and Mechanical down to meet him, he immediately remembered Paper and decided to speak up. So Toby was right, there was a pathway between the two islands and it just broke apart due to natural causes. Funny thing is, everyone was wrong, Nightmare cannot make wishes true.
Paper was more than happy to meet Nightmare again, it's apparently been 3 years since Nightmare left. Everyone else was disappointed to hear Nightmare couldn't make wishes true. But at least Toby got to know he was right!
Geared has been experimenting with security cameras, he said he wants to attempt creating one under the island to watch what Nightmare does. Mecha has been exposed for not actually knowing how to get out of the island, everyone is starting to dislike Mecha for this, even Balloon.
Forgot to mention we did manage to get Builder back up to the island a few days ago. I slept outside today, as Paper is working on a surprise for everyone and doesn't want us peeking.
As of today, it's been half a year since I woke up here. Paper is nearly finished with his "surprise" and everyone is starting to get inpatient, I kinda feel bad for him. But I guess it's been a while, I don't really want to get mad at the guy, he just wants to make us happy.