Chapter One

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I was worried. I had been wandering the woods for weeks now, but I was yet to come across any danger. It was eerie and despite myself, I was confident that someone was following me. Sighing, I threw my pack unceremoniously on the hard ground as I neared a small lake. I stood silently observing the picturesque scene, and it took me a while to decide whether to continue or go for a swim. Shrugging, I began undressing myself and was soon naked. I walked into the water so that it was up to my waist. I sat down with my legs crossed, the refreshing water coming up to my chin. I closed my eyes, trying to relax, but that plan failed when I heard the crack of twigs, a loud thud and a yell of surprise. These were followed by a splash and I jumped to my feet, holding my knife slightly out of the water. Splashes and yells came from where the unknown party had fallen or jumped into the water, and I approached slowly, all thoughts of self-consciousness gone from my mind. I stopped a few metres away as the unlucky person emerged from the water, her brunette hair soaked and her mouth issuing a string Trigendasleng insults. Her back was to me, but I still knew who it was. Lexa. Slowly, I lowered my weapon, instead covering the top half of my still naked body. She turned with difficulty and her brilliant green eyes pierced through me, leaving me shaking slightly.
"What are you doing here, Lexa?" I asked, trying to sound angry at her intrusion, but I couldn't. Instead, my voice was soft and almost loving. Since the mountain fell, the only thing I have been able to think about has been the kiss. I told her that I wasn't ready, but I was lying. I needed her. She was the only person I found myself able to fully trust.
"I uh," She began, the usually calm Commander struggling for words, "I have been... following you, to make sure that no harm comes to you." She began to knot her fingers together, and her face blushed a crimson red. "I lost you, and when I found you again, you were naked. I ... tripped." By this point, her face was bright red, and she refused to meet my gaze. I smirked slightly and took in the sight of her. Her face was clean of war paint and her eyes were glistening with happiness. The war was over and she was finally free from armies and battle plans. In that moment, I could feel myself falling further in love with her. With no hesitation, I closed the distance between us and connected our lips. Sparks erupted and Lexa pulled away, awe on her face. We heard yelling and that was when I realised that the sparks had literally erupted. Lexa swam strongly to the bank. Her eyes never left my face as Octavia and Indra came into view. I immediately ducked down in the water to cover myself and began swimming towards where I had thrown my clothes. Getting dressed hurriedly, not bothering to dry myself off, I stood next apart from the group which had started to form. Lincoln had joined the three women who were speaking and stopped still when he saw me. His eyes opened wide and I gave him a light-hearted wave. For some reason, I couldn't shake the feeling that I resembled a teenager being bailed out of jail by her parents. As I observed the conversation, I saw Indra glaring in my direction, but when Lexa began to speak again, her attention snapped back to the Commander. Octavia gave me a small smile which I returned, and continued with her conversation, nodding eagerly at something Indra said. Before they knew what was happening, Lexa threw her head back and laughed loudly. I closed my eyes at the sweet sound. It dawned on me that I had never heard her laugh before, and I vowed silently to make her laugh as much as possible. She was like a drug, and I was addicted.

A/N: Helloo! So this story is going to be a more in depth version of the Traitor AU in my Clexa oneshots. It may take a while, as I am trying to concentrate on all of my stories equally, but I will try my hardest to update as much as possible for you lovely people!

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