Chapter Two

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It had been three weeks since Lexa had managed to persuade me to return to Ton DC, which had been fully repaired following the missile. As we rode in, her people lined the streets, cheering and clapping. At first, I was confused, but as we reached the centre of the village, all became clear. Raven, Bellamy, Octavia, Monty, Jasper, Marcus and my mom stood in a small group. Before Lexa even stopped her horse, I jumped off and ran to my mom. She was crying, and it didn't take long for the tears to begin streaming down my face. I was immediately enveloped by seven pairs of arms as they all hugged me simultaneously, and I hugged them all back. Smiling, I looked around to find Lexa. She was standing to the side with Indra, a smile on her face, but an emotion in her eyes that I had never seen there before: Loneliness. I left my people and walked towards her, making sure to keep all expression from my face. I walked purposefully, and I didn't miss that her grip on the handle of her sword tightened slightly before remembering that I would not hurt her.

I stopped in front of her and placed my hands on my hips, trying my best to seem angry or disappointed.

"I see you kept them safe, Commander," I said with an air of gratefulness. She nodded slightly.

"Yes, Clarke of the Sky people. I kept them safe for you." She replied, her emerald eyes shining. I tried to contain myself, but it was impossible. I gripped the hair and the back of her head and lowered her mouth to mine. I kissed her forcefully, and it was no surprise when she kissed back. We broke apart to the sound of silence. Nothing. Then all of a sudden, the people watching, Grounders and Sky people alike, began clapping and cheering once more. We glanced around in awe until our gaze returned to each other. We smiled brightly at each other, and I honestly thought that everything was going to be alright.

Lexa and I were sat together, her head on my lap and my hands braiding her hair when we heard the commotion. The Grounders were yelling for Lexa, and she leapt up. She held her hand out and I took it. We made our way outside and saw Indra pointing her bow and arrow at a young girl. She had short blonde hair and entrancing green eyes. Her face was bruised and she was bleeding from her arm. She was arguing with Indra, speaking in Trigedasleng, and  seemed angry. Lexa's hand tightened in mine and she moved forwards briskly, her face composed. I knew something was wrong. She had a look in her eyes that I had never seen before. It almost seemed like... loss.

    "Enough," She barked, her voice taking on the tone it usually did when she was giving orders. Indra stepped down immediately, seemingly displeased with Lexa's instruction. The young girl froze, her eyes wide and disbelieving as she saw Lexa.

    The girl seemed to be a teenager, maybe fourteen years old, yet her face and body language was that of an old woman.

    "Hei heda," She said, her voice clear and calm. Lexa stiffened next to me, and silence reigned. Before long, the girl gave a cry of happiness and ran towards us. I pulled my gun but Lexa placed her hand over mine. The girl flew into Lexa's arms and they sank to the floor. The Commander's arms wrapped around the girl's neck and they hugged, laughing. I stood to the side, wary of the stranger. Something about her seemed familiar, and until I figured out what it was, I didn't trust her. Lexa stood, helping the girl to her feet, and that's when I realised. Lexa. She reminded me of Lexa. Realising this made me confused and I glanced from one to the other, hoping for an explanation. By now, a small crowd, including Octavia, Monty, Jasper and Raven, had formed. Marcus and my mother were making their way over. Lexa took my hand again and began to introduce me to the girl.

    "Clarke, this is an old friend of mine," She said, a smile on her face and laughter in her voice, "Her name is -" She didn't finish the sentence. The girl screamed and lunged at the crowd. They scattered as she pulled out two small, sharp, deadly knives. Indra and Lincoln grabbed her arms but she continued to struggle. Lexa ran over and pulled her back. "What are you thinking, Anya?" She yelled, and I rested my hand on her arm to calm her down. She glanced at me and smiled slightly before taking a deep breath and kneeling down next to the girl. They spoke in Trigedasleng for a few minutes, and soon, a look of wrath and hatred spread across Lexa's face. She stood and walked to her tent, beckoning for me and the girl, who's name I now knew, to follow.

    Once we entered, I spoke, "What's wrong?" I asked, worry seeping through my body, threatening to drown me, "Who is she?"

    "She doesn't know?" The girl asked, disbelief and disappointment on her face. Lexa shook her head. "Why didn't you tell her? Why keep me a secret?" She yelled, and Lexa rolled her eyes tiredly.

    "I thought you were gone," She replied, "I thought the Ice Queen had killed you both." That's when it hit me. This girl was something to do with Costia. I looked at Lexa for an answer, and she sank to the floor. I rushed over and sat beside her. She leant against me and I placed my arm around her shoulder, rubbing her back comfortingly. 

    "This girl is named Anya, like my sister," She said, her voice emotionless and dead, "She is my daughter." Her emerald eyes searched my face as she continued talking, "Costia and I decided to have a child, and Anya is the result. We found her roaming the woods and sort of adopted her. She was five. She was six years old when the Ice Nation captured Costia, and they took her too. I tried to get them back, but the Ice Queen told me that Anya had died with Costia. I believed her and stopped looking." At some point in her story, my hand had stopped its ministrations and I was listening intently, "I never thought I would see Anya again, but here she is..." Her voice trailed off and we were left just sitting there, looking at each other. She seemed so broken, and so afraid; two emotions I had never seen her express before.

    "I have two questions," I broke the silence, and Anya and Lexa both glanced at me waiting for me to continue, "Firstly, why is she named after your sister. Secondly, why did you try to attack those people?"

    "I thought Anya had been killed in an accident, and Costia agreed to name our daughter after her. Of course, Anya had not died." Lexa smiled slightly, seemingly lost in past memories.

    "I wasn't trying to attack them," Anya growled, her entire demeanour changing. She somehow went from a calm, easy-going teenager to a rigid, blood-thirsty warrior in a matter of seconds, "I was trying to attack Meilo," When Lexa and I glanced at each other in confusion, Anya sighed in exasperation and decided to help us understand, "He is a man who was at the Ice Nation. I believe you call him Marcus. It was him I was trying to kill."

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