The Script

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(Opening: Peles Palace, Romania)

Choir sings as King Charles steps out onto main balcony. With him is Adira Bronson, his wife and their baby son, Prince Keith. As the firstborn, he will be the next king. The crowd cheers as Rafiki, King Charles' chief advisor, takes the baby. Holding him, he blesses the baby.

RAFIKI: Keith Bronson, I bless you with all the strength, wisdom, and kindness of your ancestors. May you prove to be as just and loving a ruler as them. Lord God, may Keith have the courage, power, leadership, and most importantly, heart of a lion. If struggles come, be with him and remind him of the gifts you have given him. Amen!

CROWD: Amen!

RAFIKI: People of Romania, I present to you your prince: Keith Bronson!

Crowd cheers

King Charles looks out across the crowd, searching. His face is momentarily troubled, but the look passes as he takes Keith back from Rafiki. Later that day, King Charles is talking with Rafiki, Adira, and his court.

KING CHARLES: I thank you all for celebrating with us today. However, I am worried. Heath was not here today. As you know, he was hoping to be king after me. I worry that harm might come to Keith. We must all pay special care not to let Keith wander away. In the meantime, let us enjoy the birth of my first son!

A few years later, Heath is pacing his large house with his henchmen.

HEATH: I was next in line until Keith was born. Now my brother has not even talked to me. It is as if no one notices me anymore. Well, I will make sure they notice me soon.

HENCHMEN: How can we help?

HEATH: Have you men heard of the wild herds spotted along the borders?

HENCHMEN: Of course, we have. Considering the huge herds consist of wild bears, boars, lynx, buffalo and wolves living together, I think all of Romania knows! But how will they help? No one has been able to approach them without being charged. We can't control them!

HEATH:Perhaps we can not control them, and that might just be what we need. Just wait and see.

The next day, Heath is at Peles Palace. Charles is watching him suspiciously.

HEATH: I know you have been doing a wonderful job raising your son, but I've noticed there is one thing you seem to have overlooked.

CHARLES: What is that, Heath?

HEATH: You haven't taught him how to ride a horse yet. Back when I was going to be king...(he pauses for a few seconds, then resumes) one of the things that was most important to me was riding and sword fighting. Riding into battle, a king must be fearless, strong, and a wonderful swordsman as well.

CHARLES: Yes but why are you bringing this up?

HEATH: Well I have a friend who is the best fighter in you, of course. I'm sure he would love to help Keith learn to be a proper fighter.

CHARLES: Very well. I appreciate your concern. Where should training begin?

HEATH: I believe Desert Oltenia would be a wonderful place to train.

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