Chapter 9: Yujin Discovers Some Things

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Yujin sat on the edge of the halfpipe, scrolling through her phone. It was quarter past eleven already but she wasn't feeling too fretted, Wonyoung was always fashionably late. Wonyoung was probably on time only once, and that was when she was excited to go shopping for art supplies.

If Yujin were to be picky then there were other times where Wonyoung technically was late, and yet in a way she was right on time. In fact, looking back on it now that logic could be used regarding most situations with Wonyoung.

.......... Flashback ..........

'This girl.' Yujin muttered as she fiddled with her softball bag. The rest of her teammates had left already and even Yujin's coach had clocked out just minutes prior.

She'd be lying if she said she wouldn't be a little annoyed that Wonyoung was late again. Granted, this whole week that Wonyoung had been Yujin's assistant, she had been late to every single thing but Yujin was never too fussed about it as being on time wasn't really one of her pet peeves.

But right now she was a little bit annoyed.

She specifically told Wonyoung to come meet her 10 minutes before the softball training ended. Yujin didn't tell her this but she was hoping that Wonyoung could see her play softball.

The girl had told her recently that she wasn't a fan of school spirit and therefore had never been to any school sports matches whatsoever and she was determined to get Wonyoung to watch a game. And by a game, preferably one that Yujin was playing and was good at. Wonyoung did say that if the school had a skateboarding team, she'd watch them for a giggle. Especially if Heejin decided to join the team. Wonyoung would never let her hear the end of it.

Yujin was about to leave when she caught somebody walking out of the entrance of the school. Squinting because of her bad eyesight (there was only so much contact lens could do for her clapped pupils), Yujin thought that it was Wonyoung.

Turned out it was Minjoo.

And Kim Chaewon.

And Kim Chaewon was holding Minjoo's bag for her.

And when Yujin sneakily ran closer and hid behind a wall to spy on them, she could see not just Minjoo, but also KIM CHAEWON blushing.

Sadly, she wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying but their bashful smiles were loud enough for Yujin. Minjoo kept playfully hitting her shoulder with that bashful smile.

This was certainly a new development and Yujin was living for it. She had never seen Minjoo a whole flustered mess like that. Ever. And she and Minjoo had been best friends for ages.

Maybe Wonyoung being late did have some pros. Or maybe just one pro but it was a good one. If she weren't late, Yujin would never had witnessed this.

Minjoo did mention that she was doing tutoring sessions, could it be that she was tutoring Kim Chaewon?

Classic trope, right there.

As Minjoo let out another bashful laugh coupled with her cute playful hit on Chaewon's shoulder, Yujin couldn't help but sigh.

Minjoo was incredibly pretty. So was Chaewon.

Yujin couldn't deny that seeing her best friend acting shy like that was incredibly endearing and Yujin shook her body a little bit with a giggle, not being able to handle her cuteness.

Wonyoung, who?

Why did Yujin like Wonyoung, again?

It would be much better to crush on Minjoo. Or Chaewon. Or even Shin Yuna, her shortstop. Or Han Jihyo from the theatre club. They were always on time to things! They never left people waiting, nor did they have a vendetta against school spirit and they would always have unwavering support towards every sport that Yujin played. Or at least Minjoo did. Yujin realised that maybe Chaewon had been going recently because of a certain cheerleader. Which was Minjoo.

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