Oops I kinda fell asleep um um um yah so......
Well it's period 3/4 and were doing
French and its kinda fun my teacher
Mr. Finkle is pretending to be a
Game show host he's fake name is
Mr.winkwinkerton you know the
Zig zag well someone got 582 and that
Was Aria I kinda thought and know
That she would beat that guy anyway
Well see you tomorrow y'all 👋👋👋👋👋😴😴😴😴
I hate life and everything in it
It's terrible like I come to school and
Math homework check I didn't know
What he was talking about so I almost
Got an X which means I didn't do it
But check means I did it and L means
Late well than I finally knew what
He was talking talking about so then
I got a check oh I forget something
1/2 means I did half of it well then
After that we did a lot of math it really
Sucked then period three we did English
And we had too right a story except I was
Cleaning so I was last to finish it was
Embarrassing and then period 4 we
Had gym and during warm up
I got a terrible cramp I will tell you the rest
Later 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋