OMG all I could dream about was that
Party💭💭 well gtg and get ready for school
Wait I got a text I wonder who it's from
Oh it's from my friend Emma she said
Emma- Hey guess what
Riley- What ?????
Emma- I have a surprise for you at
School I think you'll love it it !!!!!!
Riley- You shouldn't have see you at
School bye 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋
Emma- Bye
Oh no wait
Riley- I won't be at school I'am on
Vacation with my family we're at
Haliburton I don't know how to spell
It so yah well thanks anyway for the
Surprise thing but yah I won't be at
School for two weeks bye
Emma- oh okay
I'am so glad she's not mad at me well
Anyway I'am gonna go and read so
Bye see yah later alligator 👋👋👋