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As we walked into Goode High School on Monday morning, I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right. The halls were filled with the usual chaotic energy of students hurrying to their classes, but amidst the crowd, a group of new faces caught our attention—Sophie, Keefe, Fitz, Biana, Dex, Linh, and Tam.

Annabeth nudged me subtly, her expression mirroring my own unease. We had encountered enough monsters and demigods disguised as mortal students to recognize when something was off. These new kids seemed too extraordinary, too... different.

Jason, always the strategist, murmured quietly to us. "Let's approach them, make contact, and invite them to sit with us at lunch. Maybe we can figure out who they really are without drawing too much attention."

I nodded in agreement, my senses on high alert as we navigated through the bustling hallway towards the group standing by their lockers.

"Hey," I greeted them with a friendly smile, trying to appear casual despite the nagging suspicion in the back of my mind. "You guys must be new here."

Sophie, with her bright blue eyes and a hint of mischief in her smile, nodded in response. "Yeah, just started today. I'm Sophie, and these are my friends."

"Nice to meet you all," Annabeth chimed in smoothly, extending a hand in greeting. "I'm Annabeth, and this is Percy, Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, and Frank."

Sophie's group exchanged looks, assessing us with a mix of curiosity and caution. I couldn't blame them—we were probably just as mysterious and intimidating to them as they were to us."We were just heading to lunch," I continued, hoping to ease the tension with a friendly invitation. "Why don't you join us? It's always more fun to have lunch with friends."

Sophie glanced at Keefe, who shrugged nonchalantly before turning back to us with a grin. "Sure, sounds good. Lead the way."

As we walked together towards the cafeteria, conversation flowed cautiously between us. We talked about our classes, the teachers, and the quirks of Goode High School, all the while subtly trying to gauge each other's reactions and motivations.

Sitting down at a table together, surrounded by the buzz of students and the clatter of trays, we continued our conversation. We discussed hobbies, interests, and shared experiences, each of us trying to piece together the puzzle of who these new kids really were.

I couldn't help but notice the subtle differences in their mannerisms—the way Sophie's eyes sparkled with hidden knowledge, the confident grace of Keefe's movements, and the quiet intensity of Fitz and Biana. Dex and Linh seemed more reserved, while Tam observed everything with a sharp, calculating gaze.

As lunch came to an end, I realized that while we had made some progress in getting to know them, there was still so much we didn't understand. Were they friends or foes? Were they here to help or hinder our quest?

One thing was certain—we had opened a door to a new chapter in our journey. A chapter filled with uncertainty, danger, and the unshakeable bond of friendship that would guide us through the challenges ahead.

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