Her Pale Face

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~Gajeel POV~

   The lot of us piled in, me running into my bathroom to get a first aid kit.

   With the green bag in my hand, I turned the corner and froze in the door way. I hadn't realized until then that I didn't look at her face... She was like no girl I had ever seen before. She wasn't like the other girls that were at each race, she wasn't tarted up in a micro-mini skirt and a bikini top and thigh-high leather boots, she wore a reasonably long skirt and an orange woolen jumper.

   She's so pale... Levy? She has such a pretty name. She is so small...

"Gajeel!" I blanked out of my trance with a pain in my face, Erza's fist being the cause.

   Erza soon had Levy bandaged up and resting on my couch, the group watching TV with Lily cozied up to the injured bluenette.

   Bastard! How does the fucking cat get to cuddle up to the angel while I just have to sit her hoping I ain't a damn murderer!

   I didn't know it but as the others stared at the lame programmme on  TV, I was sat staring at the girls face.

   Levy... Levy... Levy... It's such a beautiful name, a name fit for such a fair maiden. Wait! When the fuck did I become such a mushy pansy?

"Meow!" Lily brushed against me and gave me a 'you seem more interested in the girl than the TV' look.

"Shut it cat!" I growled as Natsu gave me a weird look.

~Tiiimmmeeee skiiiippppp (It's the middle of the night now)~

~Levy POV~

   It was dark, the faint glow of white snow on the TV sent flickers of light around the room.

   Where am I? I know that I am hurting like hell, what happene-

   The memories flooded my brain as I lay there completely still, unable to move from the pain that echoed throughout my body.

"You okay, Shrimp?" A husky whisper came.

"I, Uh? Who are you?" I squinted at the spiky dark outline.

"I'm Gajeel Redfox," he whispered.

"I've heard of you, Mister Black Steel Gajeel!" I whispered with a smile even though I didn't actually know what he looked like apart from the nest that was situated on his head.

"Sorry about what happened, Uh?"

"I'm Levy," I stated.

"Well, Levy. Can I get you anything?" Gajeel's voice came again.

"I really need a drink and to... Erm... Go to the bathroom," I explained.

   The thing that happened next to shocked me. The man lifted me up as if I were his bride and brought me into the kitchen, setting me onto the unit next to the sink. Gajeel took a glass, filled it with water and rammed it into my hands.

"Here," he passed me the cup.

"Thanks," I croaked out.

   I tried not to down the drink so as not to vomit it back up again and I handed it back to the black haired man.

   Now that I see his face... Those piercings, replacing his eyebrows, encasing his ears, outlining his nose, 2 shiny studs on his chin and even some on each of his arms... Those muscular arms... Damn! He looks so fit and tough and hot! Levy what are you saying? You literally only just met hi-

"You okay, Shrimp?" He broke the silence.

"Y-Yeah!" I felt my face heat up.

"Bathroom is through the door, up the hall and on your left. Do you need help?" He asked with a smirk.

"What?" I squealed. "Oh, um? No!"

   I jumped down and cursed under my breath due to the pain, fumbling into the lobby and down to a door.

   With a slight creak I opened the door and fell in. It was no bathroom. The room, which was painted a dark shade and the floor a pale cream, was  quite big. There was a bed with black bed sheets, a TV on the wall, a dresser and wardrobe, a tall pierced man looming over me and a desk with chair.

"Get lost, Shrimp?" Gajeel chuckled as I scrambled to my feet.

"N-No! I just-"

"It's okay. I heard you fall," the man gave out a hearty laugh.

   With me on my feet, he guided me down the rest of the hall and into the bathroom.

   I plonked my rear end on the toilet seat and exhaled through my teeth.

   Oh my. What was on his desk? Was it drawings, writing... Hmm, I'll have to ask him.

   I went to the bathroom and Gajeel forced me to sleep in his bed after I spent a while telling him I wouldn't. My eyelids grew heavy and I fell asleep to the sound of Gajeel scribbling away on some paper. Not quite the usual Friday night where I sit in with a book and cozy up on the sofa but eventful nonetheless.

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