"Utterly In Love With You"

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The soft morning light trickled through the open windows. I slowly opened my eyes and was met with a peaceful and very asleep Lizzie. The blanket was pulled down just enough so I could see her bare skin and flashbacks from last night littered my mind. A soft smile formed on my lips as I replayed them. 

I didn't notice how long I laid there in my thoughts until she stirred a little bit. Her eyes fluttered open and met mine. She flashed me a bright smile.

"That was something," she whispered. "Do you think your parents heard us?"

"Oh definitely," I laughed. "You were not at all quiet."

"Shit," she groaned and shoved her head under a pillow. "They're going to hate me even more now."

"Oh they definitely will," I chuckled jokingly. 

"Wonderful," her voice was a faint murmur from underneath the pillow. "Just what I need after I made that comment at dinner last night."

I placed my hand on her side and drew small unknown shapes on her warm skin. She lifted the pillow up a little and looked into my eyes. Nothing was said for a few minutes and during that time there was nothing but pure love running throughout the room.

"You're truly something else, Olsen," I whispered. 

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I couldn't imagine myself bringing anyone else to Rome to meet my parents only a few months into a relationship," I picked up her hand and pressed my lips to it. "I couldn't imagine waking up every morning and seeing another person sleeping next to me. I couldn't imagine spending all my time and energy focusing on someone other than you."

"You're adorable," she scrunched her nose. "And so incredibly sweet, thoughtful, brilliant, talented, and just all-around truly amazing. And do you want to know something?"


"I am so in love with you," she whispered bring her face closer to mine. 

"Are you?" I giggled.

"I am," she answered. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her on top of me. "I am so utterly in love with you, Emily Mitchell."

'Well, Elizabeth Olsen, I am also utterly in love with you," I whispered for just the two of us to hear. "And I promise-"

"Don't promise anything," she said quickly. "Don't ruin anything by promising me something."

"No," I told her. "I promise that I will never ever fall out of love with you. Whatever we have I have never felt before and I may have promised other people things that I couldn't hold true through rough patches but I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that I don't break this promise," I stuck out my pinky finger and she wrapped her's around mine. "The two of us against the world," I kissed my thumb and she mirrored me. 

"Forever and always," Lizzie said softly. 

"Come on," I groaned as I began to sit up.

"Woah," she laughed. "Where are we going?"

"We can't stay up here for the next four days," I pulled the blanket off of the both of us and the cool air chilled my entire body. "And you'll have to face my parents one time or another."

"No," she buried her head in my shoulder. "I don't want to do that. They hate me."

"No, they don't," I kissed her cheek softly. "They could never hate someone like you. I wouldn't allow it. I would unown myself from them!"

"Don't joke about that," she laughed. "You wouldn't do that."

"Yes, I would," I assured. "I would 100 percent do that! Now come on and get dressed."

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