Chapter 5: Recieving the Blame

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Chapter 5: Receiving the Blame

Seriously! There are so many large rooms in this castle! Why did they have to make this hallway so small? whinged Cedric in his mind as he carefully crawled on his hands and knees down the long corridor, following Sofia, James, and Baileywick to the throne room. He longed to be able to stand up and walk down the hall like a normal person, but he had already hit his head once trying. So instead he was reduced to crawling along the floor like a toddler. He felt very undignified by this, but he knew there wasn't much he could do about it. Not until he was able to break the curse, anyway.

Many glittering objects and mementos of intrinsic value lined either side of the walls, all very breakable, and Cedric was trying his hardest to keep his large body from bumping into anything by accident. At this point though, getting scolded for damaging the king's valuables wasn't the worst thing in the world. That was yet to come as they slowly made their way to the entrance of the throne room. He could already imagine what King Roland would have to say about this, probably giving a similar reaction as Baileywick. It was bad enough the king scolded him, put him down, or compared him to his father whenever he messed up, but this was much more serious than accidently turning a stone gargoyle into a live, winged horse. And because no one knew that the amulet had done this instead of a bungled spell, he would probably never hear the end of it either.

At last, after what felt like forever, they finally came to a stop at a set of large, elegantly ornate golden doors at the end of the hall, slightly smaller than the doors at the entrance of the castle. Baileywick grabbed hold of one of the door handles, but made no move to open it. He glanced back at Cedric, looking slightly nervous, before turning to Sofia.

"Wait here a moment while I inform the king that you have arrived," he instructed them as he opened the door a crack and slipped through into the throne room, quickly shutting the door behind him. James walked up to the door and placed his ear against it, intently listening to the voices behind it.

"James, you shouldn't be eavesdropping," Sofia scolded her step-brother.

"Relax, I just want to know what they're saying in there." After a few moments of complete silence while James listened through the door, he pulled his ear away, looking defeated.

"Aw man, I can't hear anything!" he complained, crossing his arms over his chest. "But it sounds like mom is in there too." Hearing this did not make the situation any better for Cedric. Oh great! I have to face the king AND the queen! he thought miserably as they continued to wait to be let in. Sofia saw the worried look on her giant friend's face and tried to comfort him.

"It'll be ok, Mr. Cedric," she reminded him. "There's no need to worry. We'll find a way to fix you. I promise!" Her optimistic attitude did little to console him, but he smiled for her anyway, if anything so she would stop worrying about him.

"I know you will, princess. You'll try your best." While he was sure there wasn't actually anything she could do, he knew all the same that Sofia was not one to break her word. She would do exactly as she said, trying anything she could to return him to normal. This also worried him a bit though, seeing how his mother's attempts had turned out. But the princess knew nothing about that, knew not how her precious amulet hung around his neck while the one around her own was a fake. He had stolen the most valuable thing she possessed, and yet she was determined to help him, oblivious to any of this. He began to feel that same tightening in his chest, but attributed it to the fact that he was nervous. He just wanted to get this over with already!

Finally, after what felt like an eternity to Cedric, Baileywick finally emerged from the room. "Your father is now ready to see you," he told Sofia and James, stepping aside so they could get through. From the other side of the decorated doors, two guards stood on either side and opened up the large doors for them to enter. Sofia and James entered first walking side by side followed by Baileywick. Sure enough, not only was their father, King Roland the second there, sitting on his throne, but next to him sat his wife, Queen Miranda. Sitting next to the queen was someone they were not expecting to see, their sister, Princess Amber. James knew Amber better than Sofia though, and was not that surprised to see his sister on her throne. After all, she loved to know about anything and everything that happened in their kingdom. Rightfully so, though, as someday she would become the queen of Enchancia. Seeing as how this matter didn't really involve him, James strode towards the platform his family rested on and sat in his own throne next to his father.

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