Part 1

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Ratna: Chote is coming from London today do let everything be perfect.

Anjali: Mum rest even Jalebi is coming with him

Raj: Anju dear you also take a deep breath cos your husband is here for you. Even my baby is coming with your brother that is why I wanted the party at our house

Anjali: Chup. I have to also engage in it cos my brother is coming

At the airport
Arnav and Khushi comes out from the airport holding each other tightly.

Khushi: So we are finally going to stay away from each other

Arnav: I don't want to go (whining like a child)

Khushi: Baby, we will meet at the office everyday

Arnav: But that is not enough dammit (shouted angrily)

Khushi: We are here as besties and so your parents will allow me to be with you anytime and we are even staying closer to each other

The car comes so they leave

Arshi enters RM and are welcomed by Arshia and Ratna. They are told that the party is theirs so they should enjoy

As for Arnav, he was eager to be with Khushi since he did not touch her for a week

After a long day, the party finally came to an end

Arnav: Mum and Mummy, pls can I take Khushi to my room? We have some few more things to talk about

Arshia: No, and you both are moving straight to bed

Khushi: But mummy, I don't want to go home

Arshia: Who said you are going home hann (with raised eyebrows)

Khushi: Mummy, am I going to stay here? (Happily)

Arshia: Haan but only for a week

(She did not even complete and was hugged by Arshi together)

Arshi: Thank you soooo much mummy. We love you a lot

Ratna: As for me no one loves me (with a fake sad expression)

Arshia and Arshi: They all run to hug her and said: Who said so? We three love you a lot

The rest of the family joins them.
They had a short talk and Arshi were asked to move to their respective rooms.
Arshi's rooms are connected.

As soon as they entered, They both locked their doors.
Arnav removed his coat, shirt and trousers.
He was only in his inners.
Khushi suddenly opened the secret door and enters Arnav's room.
Khushi hugs Arnav from behind

Arnav: Doll leave me I am sleepy. (He removed her hand and falls on the bed)

Khushi sleeps on him and starts roaming her fingers on his bare chest

Khushi: But I know my baby is hungry

Arnav; (Trying to resist) No your baby is full. He ate in the morning

Khushi: My baby is not this innocent so stop pretending and satisfy your self cos if I move out, the next time will be next month

Arnav suddenly turns over and starts to remove her saree.

Arnav: Maa, y do u wear saree when you know your baby is always hungry. Remove and feed baby

Khushi removes her saree and Arnav starts sucking the milk which is only his.

After five minutes when he was about to move further, they heard a knock on Khushi's door.
They kept quiet till the person left

Khushi: I am going to my room bacha. Or else we will be in trouble

Arnav starts sliding his hands down without paying heed to Khushi when they heard another door knock. Arnav was still doing his manifestations and Khushi was trying to hold her moan.
Arnav saw this and used his hand to cover her mouth where she was moaning in his hand and he was trying to stop himself till the person leaves the place but he could not hold himself long.
They continued and after sometime, the knock stopped.
After two hours, they fell asleep. Around seven in the morning, Khushi woke up.
She starts kissing Arnav's face and he woke up
Khushi: Morning bacha
Arnav (rubbing his eyes cutely): Morning Maa. Then he hugs her and digs his face in her breast
Get up and let's go for breakfast
They both went to shower dressed up and came out of their own rooms
They meet at the table and greeted everyone.
They were asked y they didn't come down for dinner and they said they were jet lagged
Arnav moved to ar
In ar: afternoon

Khushi entered ar in a traditional cloth.
She moves to the receptionist

Khushi: Good afternoon Miss. Pls am looking for ASR

Stella (receptionist): Any appointment

Khushi: No

Stella: Coming to meet ASR with no appointment? Move before you regret

Khushi: Pls you just call him.

Stella: He is in a meeting and he said no one should disturb

Khushi: If you want your job pls call him or else he will not think twice before sacking you for make me stand for long

Stella: He will even applaud me for not allowing you in

Khushi: ok let's see

By now, everyone is gathered around them.
After two long hours:

ASR was coming out of the conference room with his client when he saw his doll standing
ASR runs to hug her when she pushes him

ASR: Doll y r u looking angry. Wat have I done

Khushi: I have been standing for two good hours and they are not allowing me in. U even told them not to allow anyone in

Arnav: Doll, u did not tell me u will come here. And y did you not come with me when I was coming.

Khushi: I wanted to surprise you. I am calling BB now for making me stand for 2 long hours

Arnav: No pls I beg you. He will kill me when he comes to our home

Khushi: Then NK Bhai will do.

Arnav: Pls do u want them to kill ur baby. (Turning to Stella) How dare you to make her stand for long. Do you know how precious these legs are. Do you even know how precious her tears are. You made her angry which means she will cry when we get home

Stella: Sorry sir

Arnav: I am not God to forgive hence u r fired

Khushi: And who gave you the permission to fire her


Khushi: Shut before I call NK Bhai. Stella right. You are not fired just don't do it again cos next time I will cry and he won't leave you. The beast will wake

Stella: Thanks ma'am. I am grateful to you

Arnav: doll, let's go to my cabin

They move to the cabin, ate and Arnav started to work
After working, they went home together around 8pm

When they got home, they quietly ate their lunch with everyone and then they went to their respective rooms.

Around 1am, Khushi feels a heavy weight on her and got up.

Arnav smiles sheepishly at Khushi: Sorry

Khushi: You spoilt my precious sleep

Arnav: Sorry. I was missing you and I could not sleep.

Khushi: Is ok bacha. (She opens her arms) Come and sleep

Arnav moves beside her and places his head in between her breast and sleeps

Khushi could not sleep again. She keeps on admiring her baby and roams her hand in his hair.

She did not know when she fell asleep

Arshi Secretly marriedWhere stories live. Discover now