Part 2

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In the morning
Arnav wakes up first by hearing a knock on his room door.
He hurries to his room.
He hears the knock again.

Anjali: Chote, are you there?

Arnav: Di pls I will be there soon

Anjali: Ok but hurry up. Am going to wake Khushi up as well.

Arnav: No I will come with her

Anjali: Ok. Hurry we have visitors

Arnav: Ok

He goes to Khushi's room to wake her up.

Arnav: Doll, wake up.

Khushi: Pls give me a minute (childishly)

Arnav: Sometimes I wonder if I am the baby or you

Khushi: (hugs Arnav) You are the child only at night with me and am the child anytime with everyone

Arnav: Let's go and take a bath

Khushi: I don't want to get up (cutely)

Arnav: but we need to go downstairs we have visitors

Khushi: Then carry me. (She raises her arms)

Arnav carries her to the bathroom and they took a bath together.
Arshi dress up and move out.

They were holding hands, talking and laughing while coming down the stairs
Arnav: (still laughing) Hann and that Panchi, you showed her where she belongs

Khushi: since then, they were all scared to talk to you when am around.

Arnav: for once, I was even scared of you so I did not talk to girls after Panchi's punishment

Anjali: are you coming or not.

Arnav: serve the food we are coming

(They all sat down to eat but Arnav and Khushi were standing)

Ratna: now are u not going to eat.

Arnav: who is this and why are you sitting on doll's chair

Lady's mother: she is my daughter, Sheetal

Sheetal: ASR don't be too angry. It is just a seat

Arnav: get up and move to another seat.

Sheetal: ASR don't be angry besides, your future wife will be sitting here not your doll.

ASR: Just shut up. (Angrily). Doll will you escort me to the office pls.

Khushi: Sure. Give me a minute.

ASR: Hurry pls

Khushi: ok.

She runs to her room and comes within a few minutes

Arshi moved out of the house, got into Arnav's car then they went to office

AR: Arshi entered AR, moved to Arnav's cabin and Arnav shut the door with a bang

Arnav was angry and murmuring to himself. He sat on his chair trying to Cool down

Khushi sat on his lap and circled her arms around his neck
She started pecking him and giving him soft kisses.
She continued to kiss him and saying sweet for nothing things to him to calm him

Arnav became calm and he also started doing same. Things were getting steamy when a knock on the door broke their moments

Arnav: Who the hell is at the door?

Khushi: Baby, you are being rude.
She gets up and Arnav says come in

Aman enters to give his schedule then went back.

Arnav got busy so Khushi told him she wanted to roam as we all know she can't sit quietly for long. Arnav told her to be careful and she went out

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