Part 1

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What is love? People say Love is a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust. Love can vary in intensity and can change over time, at least that's what I heard some guy say on the radio. I say it's bullshit.
Hi I'm Shawn, just a normal straight A student in my second year of highschool, and I don't believe in love. You see, I wasn't always like this. I once believed in love, but I grew up to realize it was just a fantasy. It wasn't real, but people my age don't get that. They just keep on throwing themselves into something they don't even understand. ugh grow up people
Teacher: Good morning class, open your text books to page 30.
class: argh
Teacher: Hey I don't like doing this too you know. I have to do this because I need money for rent. So open your books to page 30
As class went on, I was looking out the the window and day dreaming as usual. What's the use of listening to something you already know. ugh boring. As I was daydreaming I accidentally locked eyes with a girl down stairs. She had blue eyes, straight long hair with this look on her face. Weird. Wait a minute, take the look aside, she looks like she fell out of a manga or something. There she goes. mmm. Strange. (the bell rings for recess) Time sure does fly when you're in dream world.
-Hey Shawn, wanna go have lunch together?
Shawn: Thanks for the offer Sydney buh I'll pass. I like having lunch alone.
Sydney: Oh I didn't mean to offend you, I just.... I just thought you were lonely, since you hardly talk to anyone and always alone in class or on the rooftop.
Shawn: Are you stalking me?
Sydney: N-n-n- no....I just wanted to be your friend that all, what's your problem!!
(then she ran out of the classroom)
- ugh.....what have I done.
Well she was stalking me.
Soon after that, the bell rang for 7th period. I couldn't help but think about the girl I saw earlier. She was so weird. Meh, maybe I was just dreaming. Gosh I can't wait to get outta here. Learning old stuff is so boring.....(yawns).... I think I'll sleep for while, maybe when I wake up, class would be over.
School bell rings and I wake up all of sudden
- huh, huh, is it over?
Elsie: You slept through class again didn't ya?
I don't even know how a pathetic guy like you still manages to get straight A's.
Shawn: Riddle me this Elsie, what would you do if you were sent back to second grade to study again?
Elsie: I'd know everything. Wait.....What are you getting to?
Shawn: You see, I kinda studied every subject to be studied in highschool before getting here. So it's just like you being sent back to the second grade, I already know everything.
Elsie: hmmmmph,........ annoying.
Shawn: Why thank you. Hey Ryan, let's go home now

Ryan, the only person I really talk to. Ryan is like a brother to me. He and his family moved nextdoor when I was seven, and our families have been friends ever since. Actually, he's the only one who actually understands me when I go full throttle. He speaks my language. I like him.

Ryan: not after you apologize
Shawn: Apologize? to who?
Ryan: To both Elsie and Sydney.
Shawn: Ugh.....Sorry.
Elsie: better, it's not nice to speak like that to a lady
Shawn: meh
Ryan: Speaking of Sydney, I've not seen her after you accused her of stalking
Shawn: Oh c'mon, you know I was right
Ryan: Let's go find her
Shawn: Ugh, do we have to?
Ryan: yes! now let's go. I'll take the roofs, you take the grounds
Shawn: fine.

We searched everywhere. Still couldn't find her. Oh and by "We" I meant them. I just went to sit at parking lot and waited for them to find her. I don't get why I should look for my stalker. I know I probably sound like a jerk or something but I'm just playing safe. I know what I'm doing. As I was waiting....

Ryan: Hey!!! Shawn!!! We found her.
Shawn: What'd I say? huh?
Ryan: What did you say?
Shawn: Oh, nevermind. So now what?
Ryan: Now you go apologize to her. We found her crying in one of the lady's bathroom
Shawn: You went to the lady's bathroom? Ryan, you perv......hehe....
Ryan: hey hey hey, we're not talking about me, you're the one in trouble

Shawn: So you're not denying going to the lady's bathroom.......hehe....
Ryan: I'm not gonna answer that
Shawn: hehe...
Ryan: ugh...shut up! go apologize
Shawn: ugh.... ohk....ohk.Let's get this over with

So we went to her. At first she didn't even want to look at me. I mean, I can't blame her. I might have been a little harsh to her. But I know why I did that. I can't go back to before. Not again. Then......

Sydney: Guys,.... can.... can you give us a...... minute?
[ She didn't even finish her sentence. Everyone disappeared ]
Shawn: Why? why can't they be here?
Sydney: Have you asked yourself why I wanted to be your friend?
Shawn: You already answered that. Remember? You thought I was lonely. Well you were wrong. I'm not lonely. I've got Ryan.
Sydney: Why then did you talk to me like that?.....oh I get it did I not think of this before?
Shawn: What do you mean? What do you get?
Sydney: You have a secret girlfriend!!! That could be the only reason why you're so rude to every girl around you. Who is she?
Shawn: Why do you sound like you wanna kill?
Sydney: Very observant...... I want to kill her!!!
Shawn: What do you mean? Why would you want to kill her?
( What I'm I even saying? I don't have a girlfriend)
Sydney: Oh.... nothing. Maybe coz she stole you from me?

Wow, she is really serious about this. Wait what does she mean by "stole me from her?"

Shawn: What do you mean by that?

Meanwhile, with Ryan and Elsie;
Ryan: What do you think is going on between the two of them. How come they've been so long.
Elsie: You don't know?
Ryan: Is there something I should know about?
Elsie: Ugh.....boys are absolutely pathetic.
Ryan: C'mon Elsie. Spill it. What is going on?
Elsie: You see.... Sydney has a crush on Shawn
Ryan: pftttt....... whaaaa!!!!!??

On Sydney and Shawn's side............
Sydney: I LOVE YOU!

SHAWN: NO LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now