chapter two

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-in my mind... lyn lapid

- a sky full of stars and he was staring at her.

'i can't believe you Camilo, a girl in your bedroom.' Dolores said. 'what if mom and dad find out?!'

'they won't, nobody will.' i said pacing around my room. 'Dolores just promise me you won't tell anyone.'

'i promise.' she said 'but only because mama and papa are already busy enough worrying about everything going perfectly today.'

'thank you.' i said.

'i have to go help tia with the food now, and don't worry I won't tell anyone.' she then left, closing the door behind her. I then walked over to the window to see if that girl made her way down safely. when I looked down I didn't see her so I guess she did.

-at y/n's house-

'i can't believe you y/n!' my mother yelled. 'sneaking off in the middle of the night, where did you even go?!' she asked me.

'i didn't go anywhere!' i lied.

'stop lying to me y/n, one of our neighbors said they saw you leaving the house.' she told me. she gasped, she put her arm on her chest.

'mamá, are you okay.' i asked. I quickly took her over to a chair and sat her down.

'im fine Mija, you know what let's not discuss this today.' she told me. 'we've been invited to the madrigal's house for the gift ceremony tonight and I don't want to attend on bad terms with you.'

'Alright, I'll go get you some more water.' i walked over to the kitchen and got a clean cup out of the cabinet. I poured in some water and then took it to my mom. I handed her the glass and she gulped it down.

'i'll go get ready for the party now, tell me if you need anything.' i said, going into my room. I opened my closet and saw a dress hanging inside that I haven't worn yet. it was a beautiful sage green color. I quickly changed and then went out to meet my mom.

'Are you ready now Mija?' she asked me. I nodded my head and then helped her to the door. we walked for at least two minutes until we got to the house. when we arrived we were greeted by the same boy that helped me last night. he transformed into my mom and shook her hand. he then changed back to normal and then took my hand and kissed it. my face turned red. I then made my way inside, trying to hide the redness on my face.

'Reyna, it's so good to see you.' i heard someone say. my mom and I turned around  and saw Julieta madrigal holding a plate of arepas. ' oh wow y/n, you've gotten so big. how old are you now?' she asked me.

'i'm turning sixteen this month señora.' i stated.

'you're about the same age as Camilo, he was the boy greeting everyone outside.' she explained. my face turned red again.

'Please excuse me.' i said I rushed to the bathroom. I quickly closed the door and turned the lock. I turned the sink on and splashed some water on my face. I then remembered that night he helped me. I was completely unclothed when I was swimming. which meant he saw me without clothes on.

-ten minutes later-

'i probably missed the gift ceremony.' i thought to myself. I opened the door and saw a man standing outside. he quickly went inside and shut the door.

'so that's where you've been.' i heard someone say. I turned around saw Camilo. 'you're y/n right? my tia told me about you.' he smirked.

'yeah I am.' i said, I couldn't meet his eyes . not after I knew he saw me unclothed.

'i didn't see anything.' he said, I looked up at him and met his eyes. 'at the river, if that's what you're thinking.'

'thank you.' i said with a smile. 'do you um, know where everyone's at?' i asked

'yeah but it's boring, do you want to go see something interesting instead?' he asked me, I nodded, he then took my hand and pulled me over to the edge of the balcony. he transformed into his cousin Luisa and then picked me up and took me over to the rooftop near the candle.

'i didn't know you could imitate the gifts of your family.' i said in amazement.

'Yeah I don't tell anyone, I get to do more things since nobody knows.' he explains. I turn my head to the left and saw a candle.

'wow, so this is the candle that gave you your gift.' i said, looking at it in awe. I focused on the flame, it was mesmerizing. it started to glow brightly that it was practically blinding.

'y/n?' he said curiously. 'are you alright?' he put his hand on my shoulder.

'yeah, I'm fine.' i assured him. something wasn't fine, something in me had changed I could feel it. 'can we get down now?' i asked him. he nodded and then knocked on the side of the house. stairs started to form reaching to the ground, and I carefully made my way down. when I got to the solid ground I then noticed a man going inside a painting. 'what the hell, did you see that?'

'see what?' he asked.

'that man,' i told him. 'he was going inside a painting, he-' i paused. 'never mind.'

'y/n, are you over here?' i then saw my mom walking this way, she saw me and motioned me over.

'i have to go, goodbye.' i said waving my hand slightly. he waved back, transforming into me at the same time. I giggled and waved one last time. 'are we leaving now mamá?' i asked. 

'yes, it's already quite late.' she told me, motioning over to the clock. it was 10 o clock already. time went by so quickly, it was crazy. ' i see that you're getting along well with that boy.' i smiled and blushed.

'i suppose so.' i responded. 'he's nice.' i looked up at the stars, they were beautiful. I opened the door to the house and helped my mother inside.

'im off to bed now Mija.' she said, she kissed my forehead. 'please don't sneak out again, you worry me.'

'i promise I won't, I hate making you worry.' i told her with a worried smile. 'have a good night.' i then went into my room and closed the door behind me. I say down in front of my small vanity. I grabbed my hairbrush and brushed through my hair. I hummed quietly to myself, but when I opens my eyes and looked at the mirror I saw objects around me floating. I got up quickly and dropped my brush. my heart was racing. 'what's happening.' i asked myself. when I looked back at the mirror I noticed that the objects that were once floating were back safely on the ground, that they were once on.

I decided to just ignore what happened and change into my nightgown. I got into bed under the covers. once my eyes closed I drifted off to sleep.

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