A Walk On The Beach (Fluff)

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Dazai POV:

                             I've been in love with this short little ginger for years now. We just got engaged last week on our anniversary. I loved his shocked face when I asked. Anyways, I'm getting off topic. We had been dating for seven years (if you count the time we where out of touch because of me leaving the mafia) It probably sounds like I'm rambling now. Anyways, he wanted to go to the beach today, I still don't know why, but he looked excited when he asked. He practically jumped out of bed and got ready, I giggled and looked at him mesmerized by his beauty. 

He looks back at me and blushes, "The hell are you looking at shit face?" 

"Just looking at my soon-to-be wife all excited"

He seemed to get pissed off and flustered by that comment, then he just flipped me off and started to get ready again.


When we were both ready he dragged me outside and into the car, I laughed,

"Calm down darling~ I know you're excited but you don't need to rush"

All he did was roll his eyes, "Ya, Ya, blah blah blah. Not my fault we haven't had a real date in a while now"

I gasped sarcastically, "Did our dinner I made so kindly for you not count?" I faked pouting

"Caned crab with a candle as small as your dick doesn't count"

I giggled then looked at him again, "If it was really that small then why were you beggin-"

He cut me off by covering my mouth as he blushed tremendously. It was adorable.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up."


He started driving because apparently I'm "shit at driving"  according to Chu~Chu

While on the way there we had some joking fights that just made Chuu blush in the end.
He always did look adorable while blushing. No wonder I fell in love with this short anger issued dog.


I got out of the car once we got there, then I opened the door for Chuuya and held out my hand, he  just rolled his eyes and got out on his own.

I whined "Chuu~, why're you so mean to me~" I gasp sarcastically "Does Chibi not love me anymore?!" that question, wasn't so sarcastic, and he knew that.

He sighed "Yes, I love you dumbass," he looks back at me, "You're to hot not to love."
He seems to blush a little while saying that.

I end up getting a bit flustered and he just looks at me and smirks.

I grab his hand and pull him down onto the beach after pulling our shoes off.

He pushes me into the water of the beach and then I grab his hand before I fall and bring him down with me. He looks at me for a second, then starts to giggle. I mumbled "fuck it" and kissed him, he looked shocked at first then intertwined his hands into my hair as he kissed me back.

When we stopped he just looked red in the face, so I hugged him and nuzzled into his hair. He hugged me back without protesting and said "I love you".

We stayed like that for a bit before I dragged him out of the water and just started running with him on the beach. He started to laugh a lot then.

God damn it. I really am in love with this short ass slug.

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