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Dear [Name],

I'm glad that you finally found someone who isn't me.

The one who will be there for you.

Not me who isn't real. An anime character who can't reciprocate your love.

Maybe you were unaware of this but I read all of your letters, every single of them. Unfortunately, I can't even give you my response to every letter you had to keep in a shoebox that you also didn't know they would also popped up on my desk.

I'm glad that you've become successful and happy in your life.

I'm proud of you.


We know that we are living in a different side.

Parallel world.

Completely different.

I'm glad you finally found a place you had ever wished for.

Live a happy life [Name].

Thank you for letting me go and move on to the next step of your journey.

Goodbye, [Last Name] [Name].

-Sugarawa Koshi

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━PARALLEL WORLD

Sugarawa sighed contentedly and gently folded the letter, as if it were the most delicate thing he'd ever held.

He sat back in his chair and gazed out the window, his mind racing with ideas about [Last Name] [Name]. All of the letters he had received were neatly arranged in his drawer, and he had even sorted them from the first to the last day.


A strangely familiar, muffled voice successfully jolted him out of his reverie. "Coming!" He yelled back, before carefully placing his letter in the other drawer and rushing out of his door, exposing his old teammates and friends both wearing coats.

"Suga-san, you've arrived!" Because of the frigid weather, Hinata grinned, his breath evident. "Boke! Of course, this is his house." Kageyama slapped Hinata's head as the two began to argue,

"I never knew king also speaks something aren't dumb."

"Hahh?! What did you say saltyshima!"

Tsukishima burst out laughing, and a childish argument ensues.

"Oi, you two stop it we're going." Daichi scolded while Tanaka and Nishinoya excitedly chanted, "to the shrine!". They all began to walk away, with Sugarawa with them. Asahi cast a peek at the ash-grey-haired man next to him. "So, suga, what are you going to pray at the shrine?" Sugarawa smiled as he gazed up at the snowy sky.

"I'm going to pray for [Last Name]'s good health."

"Oh! Aren't they the ones who, you told us who always send you letters?"

"You're right."

𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐋 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃; 𝐬. 𝐤𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢Where stories live. Discover now