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The explanation may a bit short so far as I know that some of you catch some hints on the letters, especially the last one

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The explanation may a bit short so far as I know that some of you catch some hints on the letters, especially the last one.

This is dedicated to myself and to all of you. I wrote this in one in the morning since I got stuck on my thoughts and I even cried while writing this. I think The Walters 'I Love You So' would be the best to listen while reading and crying.

Also Snowman Sia Boo remix is the best to listen, like where you imagine you are dancing with your comfort character.

(I know that explanation might not be needed, but I just want to.)

As you've noticed that every letters are written for the comfort character. You can see the details of how the teen love Sugarawa and especially, the teen's growth (telling how they were on fourth-year college student to finally working on their dream job).

Moving on, the teen finally graduated and was working on their dream job, experiencing some difficulties and such as you've noticed. After being successful, thanks to their hard work, they met someone who would stay with them for the rest of their lives and later on got married which the cause of not writing letters to their comfort character.

After coming to realization, they wrote a last letter to Sugarawa, saying that they will say goodbye and this was the last letter they could write as they would focus to their new family.

From the other side, Sugarawa was confused that there some letters would pop up on his desk which he read it. Now that Sugarawa is a kindergarten teacher, he saw a letter popped up on his teacher's desk which he later knew that it was the last letter of the sender from the other world, he thought it might be. Feeling good that they are happy with their life, he wrote back a letter. Although he was a bit sad that he didn't know how to send nor respond to the other letters.

Some things come to an end where you let go of it even if it hurts, that just how it is. Soon we'll going to experience this phase.

The sunset is beautiful isn't it?

Yes. Goodbye.

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