11 4 3


The girl is asleep


The girl opens her eyes. She closes her eyes. It is called a blink? No?

[Search query: (BLINK)]

[searching. . . ]

[definition found. . . ]


Blackpink fans are affectionately known as Blinks, a term con. . . .


1. to close the eyelids and open them quickly one or more times, as either a reflex or a conscious act · 2. to flash on and off; twinkle or glimmer · 3. to look . . .




Search results. . . About 17,400,000 results (0.49 seconds) searching. . .


Humans have no word for [/input]oposite_of_blink[/input/end]


Black. . . Cold. . Wet . . . Is this death?

death. . What is


. . . death. . . . death?

rest . . . .

. . . . who. . What am

I? . .


The girl is exhibiting symptoms.

The object's properties are confirmed.

Retrieval imminent.


[ATTACK/HAD,,IE18472M,2k39KELE. . . . ]

- - - [sending ALER-T---T-T-/ SHUTTING DOWN. . . . ]

[Goodbye World . . . .?]


Get her.

Out. out. Out.



Impressions flash through my mind. Emotions. They aren't mine. What. . . what have I become? There's something . . different. I am. . not just me anymore.

All around.


Dark shapes.

Shadows. Voices. Thoughts.


Please leave . . leave Where am I?

They are me.

I am them.

I am nothing. . .

nothing. . . fading . .


They are everywhere everything. . . . power.

We are one. . . connected. Their . . . my thoughts irritate my brain. . . it is crawling. . . creeping. . . . consuming me. Tendrils slither out of my throat, wrapping around my lips, my jaw. The girl's eyes open a split second before they are ours. She is no more.

[S-STARTING. . . . 3. . . . 2. . . 1. . . RE-BOOTING/]

[CAM-8I=C2v8931-] ['paper'?/er_or]



[CH-CHECK. . . SEARCHING. . . . last ENTRY found-=/?=v = 11/14/21. . . REROUTING. . . ]

[ENTRY. . . NO. 13]


The girl is part of us. They/we? see through her eyes, scanning. . . scanning. . .




Infiltrated by . . . enemy. . . object must be terminated to eliminate further repercussions. . . [PriorityNO.1]'girl' must be terminated immediately. . . 

Hi!! I hope you like it so far! what do you think will happen next?! (idk so some ideas would b great xD) vote and comment if you like this!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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