Chapter 9: A Relaxing Sunset Chat

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(Still Phoebe's POV)

I calmly sat on the large bed as I read my book quietly. The bed was surprisingly comfy despite not having been used in a long time. Throughout my time here I've been trying to identify what the overwhelming force of magic was, but it always just seemed stronger than me. It's strange... I was blessed by Rainbow, yet I'm weaker than the magic here... I sighed and closed my book, too lost in thought to focus. I then went to the window and sat down again, staring at the sky. The sun was beginning to set, turning the tranquil blue sky into a deep orange. As I sat there quietly, a gentle knock came from the doors. Thinking it was one of the objects I answered,

"Come in..." absentmindedly. I continued to stare out the window as the door opened. I heard someone quietly walk towards me, before a baritone voice caught me off guard,

"Whatcha looking at?" I squeaked surprised and turned to see the wolf boy. I was on edge for a split second before I noticed his expression; it was gentle, and kind, not like earlier where it was filled with malice. He looked at me with curiosity, waiting for me to answer. I sighed uneasily before looking back out the window,

"Nothin... just staring..." I replied, unsure if his demeanor was a trick or not. He giggled softly and leaned against the wall next to the window,

"Beautiful scenery, huh?" I nodded in response as his wings fluttered,

"Yeah... it really brings a smile to your face..." He and I looked at each other again, his expression changing into one of solemn, "Sorry about... locking your friend, then you in the dungeon..." I stared at him incredulously as he put his hands up in defense,

"I-I can explain myself! I promise!" I fully turned my body towards him and gestured for him to continue talking. He sighed looking out the window,

"You see I... the... my..." He whined softly, trying to find his words, "S-Sometimes... my negativity can... take over..." he finally explained. I tilted my head curiously as he continued,

"You see... being a... wolf, I can get these bursts of... violence... from time to time... I try to stay level headed, but... yeah..." He crossed his arms and looked away nervously, "Your friend she... she caught me at a... really bad time... and when she stole the roses... I kinda flipped out..." He scratched the back of his neck anxiously as I hummed, 

"Alright then." He looked back at me in slight surprise before looking out the window,

"I... wanted to make amends with you... for acting that way. I-If it's alright with you..." He twiddled his fingers nervously, "I... I want you to stay with me and the others... i-in the castle. N-Not as a prisoner but... a... resident." He looked towards the chandelier as he finished speaking. I hummed softly and looked out the window, pondering on his offer. My senses told me he wasn't at all lying; he does want me to be a resident of the castle. I silently pondered the pros and cons of living with him and the objects as he paced around the room.

Pros: I don't have to worry about the village witch-hunting me, he seems alright with the knowledge I have magic, the objects are nice, the garden is beautiful, and... although I didn't want to admit it... the wolf boy was kinda cute.

Cons: Living in a castle makes my location obvious, Lydia will worry about me, Fajr might try to find me, there's hazards, and I have to keep the apple safe.

Well... it seems like the pros outweigh the cons. Maybe I can bring Lydia here and we can live with the objects and him. Hopefully he wouldn't mind. I looked back at the wolf boy as he continued to pace. I got up and smiled softly as he looked at me surprised,

"Sure, I don't mind." His face became more surprised before he beamed,

"Thank you!" He ran up to me and paused,

"O-Oh uhm... i-is it alright if I... h-hug you...?" He looked away nervously and I ended up smiling at his adorable shyness,

"Sure." He beamed once again and happily hugged me, catching me off guard a little. I blushed slightly out of surprise as he started thanking me repeatedly. I giggled once again before noticing his fur. It was well kept, surprisingly. As he hugged me he nuzzled me slightly, which surprised me due to how soft his fur was. I hugged back gently as his clothes were also quite soft. I ended up enamored by the softness as I gently nuzzled back. He then let me go and fidgeted slightly,

"Ah s-sorry about... that..." He looked towards the door as the objects were there watching, "Uhm... w-would you like to... join me... f-for dinner?" I stared at him entranced before nodding,

"Of course." He smiled at me shyly and I smiled back. He had completely enamored me and I didn't fully understand why. For some reason it felt like I was... connected to him, if that makes any sense. Hopefully it will later. For now the boy offered me a hand, and I gently took it.

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