okay so fall in love/tragedy

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They were in Arson-chans big ol castle with magical ponies in the front and d3ad dogs. Arson-chan lays Yokai down on his big ol' bed and gives Yokai a cute little kiss on their forehead. it was quite romantic indeed, Yokai felt their heart racing and had butterflies in her stomach, she happiness was quite not explainable or whatever. Then Yokai was like "sigh......... i'm going to do something funny" she noticed Arson-chan had been looking at other guys.... they had waffle abs, weird face proportions and looked like little toads, she was so jealous. "SO THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE INTO HUH????????" cried out Yokai, Arson chan looked back in shock "no no it's a mistake..." and then started laughing and turned into an empty fabreeze bottle. Yokai was in shock because in her country (chaos table) it was not allowed to date empty fabreeze bottles. she cried "I CAN'T BE WITH YOU/...." ... "BUT WHY YOKai??? WE'RE SUPPOSED TO RUN AWAY" says arson crying and sobbing and pooping on the floor uwu. She cried.. but then she got an idea "well I can fill you up" says Yokai... Arson-chan obviously was shocked "really??" arson chan couldn't beleiuve eud then Yokai filled up Arson-chan yah yah okay i'm getting bored next page

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