Scenario # 4 | Youngjae & Jackson - Got7

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Requested | Fluffy scenario

Word count: 958

The first thing that had caught my eyes when I opened my locker was the two envelopes lying there. Who would send me these? It's not even Valentines yet.

Ha, like I even get love letters on Valentines.

Oh god, what if these are death threats?

Please don't be. I've received enough of those just because Jackson and Youngjae are my friends.

I grabbed the first envelope, staring at it, contemplating if I should open it or not.

"Love letters?" Jackson asked in amusement once he had reached my side. I just nodded, still looking at it. "Who's it from? Someone I know?" He teased.

"I don't know. The envelope just says it's for me." I explained, flipping the envelope over and over looking for any signatures on who it's from.

"Well why aren't you opening it? C'mon, open it already!" He whined, faking a tantrum. I just rolled my eyes at him, typical Jackson.

"Why are you so eager for me to open it?" I asked as I turned to face him. "Is this from you?" It was just a joke, but I guess he took it seriously.

"N-no, why would I give you letters? Pfft." He stuttered, scoffing at me. He was about to say something but he just closed his mouth and just strutted off towards the classroom. He's really weird, but I think I'm getting used to it.

Class is about to start soon. I grabbed the second letter and just as I closed my locker, I saw Youngjae leaning on the locker beside mine.

"Someone's got admirers." He smirked, fixing his posture. "Who-" He stopped and just looked at the letters in my hand, a frown forming on his face.

"Why are there 2 letters?" He mumbled, looking away.

"You were saying something?"

"Nothing..." He paused again, "Have you seen Jackson?" He asked hurriedly.

"I think he just went to the classroom." The second I finished my sentence he ran down the hallway and went to the classroom Jackson's in.

I've known them for a long time now because basically, the both of them are my best friends, but they just keep getting weirder and weirder everyday.

I just shrugged it off, closed my locker and went to the classroom.

"Class dismissed." Everybody stood up and started packing their things, and so did I. I started walking towards Jackson and Youngjae, they look like they're in a heated conversation.

"...May the best man win." Youngjae said, holding his hand up for Jackson to shake.

"Woah, what's happening?" I sat on the chair next to them waiting for them to fix their things.

"We just found out that... we like the same girl." Youngjae sighed, chucking the books on his bag.

"Interesting." I laughed. Well isn't that girl lucky, wow. "Who's she?"

"Not telling." Jackson poked his tongue out at me, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "Youngjae and I are... going somewhere."

"Oh, okay. I bet you're gonna stalk the girl." Laughing, I just walked out of the classroom and went home by myself.


Ya! ___-ah!

You probably have never seen this coming, but we've been friends since we were kids and ever since then I knew what my feelings are for you.

I was scared to tell you in person because it'd be awkward and I won't end up saying it.

I like you, probably a lot. And I'm gonna try my best to get you to like me too.

Youngjae x


My mouth is wide open by now and any fly could pass right in. I couldn't believe what I just read, am I the girl they both like?

My mind's gonna blow up right now, I don't even know what to do. I laid down in bed with the second letter in my hand, if this's is from Jackson then I'm doomed.


____-ah! Yoohoo! This is from the sexiest boy in the world.

It took me a lot of courage to do this, so you should be grateful ㅋㅋㅋ

I like you. I like you. I like you.

I wrote it 3 times just so it's clear to you.

You've known me as the guy who always jokes around and you may think that I can't be in a serious relationship because of that but just let me take a chance and show you how I'm very serious about you.

I'm not gonna say my name because I know you know who I am by now.


Judging by the handwriting and the 'sexiest boy in the world' I'm very sure it's from Jackson.

What am I going to do?

"____?" Mum called out from behind the door. "Youngjae and Jackson's downstairs." I let out a heavy sigh, sitting up from the bed. I don't know why but my heart's beating faster than ever just thinking about facing them now. As I go down the stairs I thought about what I should say to them...

"____-ah." Youngjae was the first one to greet me, standing up from the couch that him and Jackson was sitting on.

Before all this, everything wasn't awkward between all of us. The mood's always light and we could just joke around but now it's awkward and I hated it.

"It's quite funny how we both sent you a letter at the same day and we both don't even have a clue." Jackson chuckled as he stood up too.

"I honestly don't know what to say." I admitted. They both just nodded in agreement and we were all silent for a moment.

"Can I take you out on a date?" "Can you go on a date with me?" They both said at the same time. They looked at each other with a frown on their faces bantering about who said it first.

Well this's one heck of a situation.


For the person who requested this, I really hope this's what you had in mind because I didn't know what else to write and to all of you Please vote or comment, thank you.

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