Chapter 2 - A place that doesn't feel like home

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Before we begin I'd like to let everyone know that most of the characters won't act the same as in canon for the sake of this fanficiton, I just thought I'd let you know and if you're not okay with MLB Fannon you are welcome to leave cause I do not control if you stay or not. Other than that if you're still here I hope you enjoy my fanfiction!

Adrien slowly opened his eyes, only to see darkness.

Confused, he closed his eyes and placed his hand on his face only to feel a tiny furry body.

Adrien knew exactly who or what it was.

Smiling, Adrien slowly lifted the furry figure off his face, holding it in his palms.

He figured it was Plagg, considering the tiny creature was purring.

Adrien scratched Plagg behind the ear, Plagg accepting the affection in his sleep.

He knows that Plagg loves affection, he just doesn't show it cause he's 'the god of destruction'

Plagg let out a little yawn, opening his eyes and looking at Adrien with lidded eyes.

It took 5 seconds for Plagg to register what was happening before zipping out of Adriens hand, floating near his white couch.

"What the heck were you doing!?" Plagg yelled, embarassed.

If kwamis could blush in embarassment, Plagg would be extremely red that it wouldn't be humane.

Adrien chuckled, "Good Morning, Plagg"

Plagg crossed his little stubs we call arms, "Good Morning, I guess..."

Adrien sighed before pulling out a piece of Camembert, "Forgive me for showing you affection in exchange for a tasty piece of cheese?"

Plagg zoomed over into Adrien's hand and bit into the Camembert, looking up at Adrien with wide green eyes, "Apology Accepted, I suppose" Plagg huffed before continuing to eat his breakfast, taking a seat on Adrien's bed.

Adrien then walked into his bathroom, grabbing his toothbrush and squirting some toothpaste on the bristles.

He began to brush and spit, continuing that process.

He was so overwealmed now that he knew about Marinette that he didn't notice the dark eyebags.

There was then a knock on the bathroom door, a melodic voice echoing through the room, "Adrien?"

Adrien then realised this voice was Nathalie's, "Y-Yeah, Nathalie?"

There was a click on the other side of the door, most likely from Nathalie's clipboard, "Mr. Gabriel Agreste want you to be ready for school so you do not miss you're fencing later, and then after school you are to head straight to the park for a photoshoot with Vincent and Madam Rossi"

Adrien sighed, "Yes, Nathalie, I'm almost finished" he lied.

Nathalie on the other side of the door merely nodded, turning on her heel and leaving the room, the echos of her heels clicking against the floor before it went silent.

Adrien clenched his fists, teeth tight together.

Lila always got on his nerves for what she's done to Marinette, but knowing about what Marinette has being doing the past few months, his opinion has sort of changed.

Don't get him wrong he still dislikes Lila for what she's done and he could never hate one of his friends, but he thinks Marinette should tone down on should he put this?


Either way he should speak to her about it and let her know about her one-sided fantasy.

Realising he's spent way too long in the bathroom, his turns off the tap, placing his toothbrush in its holder and quietly exits the bathroom.

He notices Plagg is not on his bed anymore before realising Plagg probably phased somewhere to keep hidden from Nathalie

Adrien walks over to his closet, putting on the usual outfit he wears.

Calling Plagg back and taking a tin of Camembert and hiding it in his jacket to keep the smell From being found, he opened the door to the stairway.

Adrien took a deep breath before exhaling, forcing a smile on his face as he walked down the steps, his door softly clicking shut behind him as he prepared for a lonely breakfast as always.

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