Lucky charm

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It was a sunny day in October. We didn't have any classes today so we get to spend it calmly. Halloween was only 2 weeks away. I talked to Tom to dress up with me. He agreed of course.

I opened my eyes and I was in my own dorm. It was empty. I got dressed and went down to our common room. Everyone was doin their thing and I looked around to see if he was there. I didn't see him so I sighed in disappointment.

At the same moment I felt arms wrapping around my waist and a hot breath close to my ear. "Hey princess" he said and I flinched. He laughed and turned me around so I was facing him. I got up to my tiptoes so I could reach his face and kissed him.

"Get a room you two" I heard Blondie say. We just laughed and sat down next to the fireplace. The rest of them were talking, making jokes and laughing. I zoned off and I got a flashback.


"You worthless bitch! I hope the next guy treats you as bad as I did!" He spits in my face and storms out. I was left with bleeding nose, cuts and bruises all over me, and a few broken bones. I passed out.

When I opened my eyes I realized that I'm in a hospital. I sat up slowly to find my mom and brother sitting at the other side of the room...

Flashback over.

"Oi y/n! You good?" Blaise asked me as I snapped back. I looked a bit confused and nodded. I got up but immediately got pulled back onto Tom's lap. "What's wrong?" He asked me with worry in his eyes. I got a bit sad and replied: "Now that's a story for another time. Im too tired to talk about it." He nodded and pulled me into a hug. I closed my eyes and just about as I was falling asleep I felt someone fiddle with my thumb. I opened my eyes and it was Tom. As I suppose he was putting a ring on my thumb I looked at him and said "That's beautiful. Thank you love." He slightly blushed and whispered "That was my lucky charm. It is now your's. If you lose it you won't be able to walk." I blushed hardly and slapped him.

The rest of our friend group was looking at us now. I didn't give a flying fuck. My mind was somewhere else doing something else..........with Tom......

--sorry that this is short im trying my best but i am a bit busy. I am learning a new language and it is pretty hard to keep you all updated due to school. See ya luvs on the next chapter which i plan on publishing on 3rd december--

Tom Riddle x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now