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Thank you for all of the love on this story so far lovelies, you made me smile so thank you :)
POV - You just tried on your suit and Sarah convinced you to wear it and ushered you downstairs.
Part 2

As you approach the bottom of the stairs you head left for the open kitchen space where the party is. As you enter you see everyone talking and laughing and Anne immediately grabs you and takes you to the counter to make you a drink.

Anne - "Ahh y/n you look hot come here let's get you a drink!"

You look back at Sarah who gives you a reassuring look and you nod before turning back to see all of the bottles she has lined up.

Anne - "Now, your mum was trying to ask you before but umm will you be drinking tonight?"

You look at everyone talking and do feel a bit nervous so you accept the offer and she starts to make you something.

Anne - "You know who you look like."

Y/n - "What?"

Before she can answer Nora and Mindy come up to you.

Nora - "Ahh mini cate nice suit!"

She starts to fiddle with the suit jacket looking at it and checks the tag.

Amita - "You genuinely look like a mini cate tonight it's amazing! You look beautiful!"

Y/n - "Oh umm thank you."

You smile and turn as Anne hands you your drink and a straw. You take a sip and it's strong but you like it.

Anne - "I hope it's not too strong honey I tried to make it a little less than ours."

Y/n - "No umm it's perfect thank you!"

Anne - "It's okay honey. You honestly do look amazing, I love the suit it suits you.

Y/n - "Thanks."

Anne - "Oh come with me, let's go see aunt Helena."

As she ushers you away from the kitchen you head towards Helena who is staring at you with her mouth open.

Helena - "Oh my god! Y/n! You look so good!"

She smile as she hugs you tight as she always does and kisses your cheek.

Helena - "Wow I can't believe how much you've grown already!"

You laugh as she always says that and then you're interrupted when your mum walks in with Rihanna and Sandra. You see Anne and Helena walking away in conversation and turn back to them knowing you're stood there alone. Rhi is quick to come up to you and say how good you look before Sarah shouts her over for a selfie and she winks before heading over.

Once she's gone your view is cleared to show Sandra and your mum frozen and staring at you.

Y/n - "Mum? MUM?"

Cate - "Oh umm sorry umm you just..."

Sandra - "What she means to say is that you look gorgeous sweetheart! Come here! I've missed you!"

Sandra hugs you tight and kisses your head before pulling away and feeling the sleeves on your jacket.

Sandra - "Damn cate she looks more and more like you everyday!"

Your mum still hasn't said a word and once Sandra heads to get another drink she finally speaks.

Cate - "It's like looking in a mirror with you sometimes it's scary!"

You laugh as she hugs you before pulling away to see you look down at your hands awkwardly and your mum knows to keep talking.

Cate - "You look beautiful honey although I didn't think I would ever see you in a suit. Why didn't you tell me this is what you were wearing I love it!"

Y/n - "Oh umm-"

Cate - "Was this what the parcel was that came the other day?"

You give her a look and she can tell in your face that it was.

Cate - "Well it looks great honey. Here let me just."

She fixes your necklaces and then takes off one of hers, placing it around your neck and moving your hair back.

Cate - "There. Perfection."

You smile knowing you need to take the attention away from you to avoid any more questions.

Y/n - "You know calling me perfection is essentially you calling yourself perfection right?"

You can see how annoyed she looks as shes so bad at accepting your compliments and you laugh.

Cate - "Hey missy! And oh I meant to ask you are you drinking tonight? I just wanted to know incase I needed to look after you later on."

Y/n - "I am yes but you won't need to look after me mum I promise. I'm not drinking loads."

Cate - "Honey you're new to it all you don't need much, but that's alright. Enjoy tonight okay."

She hugs you and kisses your head before fixing your hair.

Cate - "Damn you look so good honey! Shit! You're making me look bad!"

You roll your eyes smiling and she laughs wrapping her arm around you and taking you both towards the others.

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