The gay bar

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POV - your ex's posts with her new girlfriend have triggered your anger and you decide to go out to a gay club with Sarah to move on.

Part 15

Once you're outside she sits down and you can't not admire how beautiful she is. She's so naturally pretty and her jaw line is to die for! She hands you a spliff and you take a drag. It's strong and you cough a bit.

Y/n - "What's in that!?"

Sam - "Oh don't worry about it it's just weed you'll be fine."

You just nod and take another drag handling it better this time and sit on the ground with her.

Sam - "So are you from round here?"

Y/n - "Uhh yeah are you?"

Sam - "Yeah, I work at a bar not far from here but it feels weird to drink at my work, so I come here."

Y/n - "Oh okay, that's cool. You must get all the girls then."

She gives you a look surprised by your sudden confidence and looks you up and down.

Sam - "Maybe... I'm not always this lucky though."

Y/n - "What do you mean?"

Sam - "Well... they're not normally this beautiful."

Her eyes are all over you and you get nervous and take another drag.

She leans into you more and strokes your arm.

Sam - "So what do you do?"

Y/n - "Oh umm I like to draw and uh I do a bit of acting."

Sam - "Oh really? I'll have to see some of your work some time."

Y/n - "Oh umm you wouldn't want to it's not that amazing."

Sam - "You really can't take a compliment can you."

Y/n - "What?"

Sam - "It's okay, we'll work on it."

Your heart is beating out of your chest as she gets closer and closer with every word.

She looks down at your lips and you can't take it anymore and you kiss her before pulling away in fear.

Y/n - "Im sorry I-"

Before you can even finish she just smiles and grabs your face to continue the kiss. Soon enough you're on top of her lap straddling her as you make out. You pull away for air shocked and she can't not laugh at you.

Sam - "Here."

She hands you the rest of the spliff and you smoke it before you insist you have to go back to Sarah.

Sam - "Are you sure you have to?"

Y/n - "Yes. I'm sorry, my friends still inside."

Sam - "Ugh okay you can leave, as long as you give me your number and one last kiss."

You give her a look raising your eyebrow and giggle before standing in between her legs and putting your number into her phone. You then grab her face to kiss her. She lingers but you pull away winking and head back inside.

Soon enough you spot Sarah dancing in the crowd and she looks at you exited you're back.

Sarah - "Ahh y/n! Are you feeling better now!?"

Y/n - "Yes! Let dance!"

You spend the rest of the night dancing crazily with Sarah and then you both head to the toilets before you leave. You stand outside Sarah's cubicle to check she's safe and as you're stood there, another girl walks into the toilet behind two other girls. They quickly run straight into the cubicle next to you, before you hear noises of throwing up and the other girl helping her. The one girl stood behind, ends up turning around as they close the door, walking backwards into you and slightly falling. You catch her and she quickly turns to apologise but you just laugh and say it's okay. You both go back to awkwardly standing but you can't not sneak another look at her, she's gorgeous. As you look at her she notices and approches you.

Cassie - "You look amazing by the way. I love your outfit, especially this."

She grabs the sleeve of your jacket and looks into your eyes.

Y/n - "oh I'm thank you, I love your-"

Cassie - "It's almost as good to look at than my view right now."

You blush as she makes eye contact with you and she laughs.

Cassie - "Are you here with anyone?"

Y/n - "Uh yeah my friends in here and we are leaving soon so-"

Cassie - "Oh that's okay. Umm would you be up for giving me your number? I feel like we would get on really well."

She hovers to take your phone and you hesitate but hand it to her before she puts in her number. As you see her name in your phone you look up at her smiling.

Y/n - "Cassie"

Cassie - "And yours?"

Y/n - "Y/n."

Cassie - "Nice to meet you y/n. You and your friend stay safe okay."

Y/n - "You too."

She walks towards the mirrors to fix her makeup and Sarah comes out of the cubicle.

Sarah - "Who was that?"

Y/n - "Huh?"

Sarah - "I heard talking."

Y/n - "Oh umm she was looking for her friend but I didn't recognise the photo of her."

Sarah - "Oh okay, well let's head out then honey."

Sarah washes her hands quickly as you stand behind and you can't help but make eye contact with Cassie in the mirror as she winks at you.

As you head out and get into your taxi home, you ask Sarah if you can stay at hers. But before she can answer she notices your eyes.

Sarah - "Y/n your eyes are really bloodshot are you okay?"

Y/n - "What yeah I'm fine. I'm actually very calm."

Sarah - "Oh no you didn't."

Y/n - "Didn't what?"

Sarah - "Y/n! Your mums gonna kill me!"

Y/n - "What for I didn't do anything?"

Sarah - "Y/n you smell like it too. I thought it was because you were surrounded by it outside but I can see by your eyes that's not the case."

You don't speak and she grabs your arm to face her.

Y/n - "Ow!"

Sarah - "Listen to me!"

Y/n - "FINE! I DID IT OKAY! I'm old enough and I can make my own decisions!"

Sarah - "I know and I get that but you can't just take things people give you! You have no idea what was in it y/n and-"

Y/n - "OKAY! Okay i get it I just...I just needed a break Sarah! I've been so worked up and so just... not able to function that I just needed to relax-"

Sarah - "Honey i-"

Y/n - "No i get it I do and I'm sorry. I'll be more careful next time I just... couldn't today okay, I couldn't."

You start to tear up and Sarah grabs you holding you close.

Once you calm down you pull away to wipe your eyes.

Y/n - "If my eyes weren't red before they definitely are now."

Sarah laughs and you smile.

Y/n - "Look Umm, I'm okay honestly I just think I needed this night to go wild before I let it go. Please just don't tell my mum, she's got enough on right now and I'm fine honestly I-"

Sarah - "Y/n I-"

Y/n - "Please... I'll come to you if I need to I promise, I just... she doesn't need to know."

Sarah looks in your eyes and takes a deep breath nodding in agreement and you thank her.

Sarah - "But you come to me if you need me okay?"

Y/n - "I will I promise."

She grabs you kissing your head and you sit the rest of the car ride with your head on her shoulder.

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