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Su She was running through the dark city and dim back alleys, his boots skidding over loose gravel and splashing through dirty puddles as he heard the panting of the approaching mafia killers behind him. He currently owed his life due to the fact that his body hadn't frozen up in fear at the sight of the killer came out of the shadows on his way back to his apartment and that he hadn't hesitated a second before he turned on his heel and started running as fast as he could, the second the killer jumped.

What Su She needed was a head start, enough space to turn around and shoot the damn killer before it would get a chance to kill him. His lungs were already burning, his legs getting tired. He wouldn't be able to out-run the killers behind him. He wasn't dumb, the killers were not from the Wang clan. Or so he thought.

Aside from meaning that the Yiling Lazou wanted to see him dead and had a fairly good chance of that happening sooner than Su She would have liked, it also meant that his informant Wen Chao was in danger..

He knew that the Wang didn't took well to lies and betrayal, especially not if it somehow involved Su She's family and came from within his own rows. If Su She wanted to ensure that, he would need to survive too. Was he imagining things or could he already feel the distance of other hunters getting near.? The fear spreading through him told him to turn his head and look but he forced himself to watch where he was running instead, one stumble would be enough to lose his lead and get himself shot down.

Colorful spots of light, caused by exhaustion were beginning to start dancing at the edge of his vision when Su She finally spotted something that might save his ass. A few feet down the alley stood a trash container directly beneath a rusty fire-ladder leading all the way up to the roof. If Su She managed to get to it before the hunters would catch him, he would be able to shoot them from above before escaping over the rooftops.

Su She took all that was left of his strength and sprinted even faster before bending his knees and jumping - the next second his feet hid the closed container with a crash and he almost slipped on the wet surface. He didn't take the time to look back as he instantly reached for the fire-ladder, pulling himself up. With a trained movement, Su She reached for his gun while he held himself up in the ladder with his other one, his fingertips turning red from the rust. He pointed his gun downwards, took a second to focus on his target and shot the leading hunter between his eyes.

 Quickly, he secured his weapon and put it back before climbing the rest of the ladder until he reached the edge of the building. Then he ran over the wet rooftops until he was panting once more, hoping to get away as far as possible. He continued to make his way over the roofs to get as close to the building as he could but sooner then he would've liked he had to climb down again as the gaps between the buildings got too wide to jump over. Still, he stuck to fire-ladders, window-sills and ledges to keep himself off the ground as long as he could. When he had to get down on the street, he sprinted and then immediately made sure to find a way to climb up Wen Chao's building again, using crannies and edges to pull himself up until he found another fire-ladder that made his ascent easier. He landed on dusty hardwood-floor, keeping himself still for a few seconds to listen for any noises. 

If the Yiling Lazou knew about this apartment, then it was more than likely that he'd send out some men to catch Wen Chao or him should either of them show. Nothing but silence greeted him. As soon as he opened the door, his eyes fell onto the messy bed that stood shoved against the wall. Then he heard the safety of a gun being clicked off behind him. Within the same heartbeat, he reached for his own and unlocked it as he spun around, ready to shoot. It was a game he had played for fun a hundred times before, back as a teen when he had lead his first gang. The gunslinger-duel, back to back with one of his men, walking away into opposite directions while counting to 10 in his head, then spinning around and shooting. Whoever hit his opponent in the arm fist, won. Su She was standing ready but he could not tell where the sound of the gun came from. 

It was a trap!

Wang stood in the shadows watching Su She looking around the apartment with Yiling Lazou standing behind him as he raised his silencer . Zhan squeezed his hand once more and whispered. "Baobei? On the count of three?" Wang nodded One...two...three." He pulled the trigger and a second later Su She dropped dead. He had no chance against the Mafia King. Nothing that could get between them. Not even death. Zhan took the gun from Wang and walked over to Su She's body and spit on it. " Fucking bastard"

Wang smiled and whispered " How is it that I feel so happy doing this with you ?"

Zhan walked over and he just leaned down to kiss him, pulling him close for a few seconds

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Zhan walked over and he just leaned down to kiss him, pulling him close for a few seconds. I love you, his lips were pressing his words for him against Wang "You're my entire universe" . Their kiss was desperate and didn't last as long as they would've needed it to be. It was dangerous to stay in the apartment as they never knew who else would betray them. They walked into the night with a plan to eliminate anyone who opposed them.

Dear Sweeties

Our Mafia Daddy is so possessive even when killing right?

See you in the next chapter.

Love you❤❤ 

AnnaBaibe 💋

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