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The Lotus Manor was lit. If there was anyone who knew how to throw a party it was the Yilling Lazhou. Flamboyant, Sexy and hot. On arrival Wang actually smiled. Zhan had done an awesome job of ensuring that no one suspected that this was a trap. He walked into the Lotus manor and there standing at the end of the Hall was Zhan.

The first thing that catches his attention is legs.Long, shapely, mouth-watering legs with a round, plump ass that has no business looking that good in the snug black pants.Wang's breath hitched, eyes raking upwards to find the tiniest waist. And then Zhan turned around.

Messy hair falling into the most innocent looking eyes, face sculpted to perfection, and lips begging to be devoured. He stood looking like a God. Handsome and hot in red. Yes. Red was his favorite color. Wang could not breath, he slowly approached him and stood in awe.

In the next minute Wang had pushed Zhan against the wall and they were kissing. Their lips pressed against each other insistently,Wang's hands were moving from his wrist to hold his jaw and tilting his head to his convenience. He growled against his lips before forcing open his mouth and slipping his tongue inside his mouth before finding his tongue and sucking on it.

The sounds they make are obscene and it only serves to turn both of them on.They stopped kissing and when Zhan looked up, his eyes burned with urgent desire. Wang looked ethereal. His face is flushed, lips bruised red and eyes dark, the pupils blown wide. He looked wrecked.

He looks like he wanted to wreck Zhan and he pulled him in for more kisses. Their kisses were frantic, their hands moving all over each other's bodies. The phone call Zhan made had fueled their desire and frustration and now it was breaking free.Zhan moaned into the kiss.

His own hands find Wang's hair, the undercut not giving him much space to pull and tug but it's enough for Wang to grunt and press him further into the wall, teeth biting down on Zhan's lower lip. He pulls back just enough to plant a soft kiss against the side of Yibo's flushed cheek. "Fuck, we have to work."

He leans up until his lips are pressed against Zhan's neck. "I thought you wanted to wreck me?" Zhan groaned and breathed into the space between them. " I will wreck you, but not with anyone watching us. "

Wang grinned

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Wang grinned. They had completely forgotten the body guards and Wen Xu standing behind them. Zhan winked at him and they both laughed. He pretended to adjust Wang's clothes and hair as he watched Wen Xu's face. The fucking bastard was even wearing red like him. Wang noticed the change in Zhans eyes and then he whispered "Later." Zhan smiled and took a step back and retorted " I am going to change my clothes, you can join the rest of the party. " He turned on his heels and left in annoyance. Wang smiled further. His Yilling Lazhou always looked handsome when he was jealous.

When he turned around, he noticed the sly smile on Wen Xu. He ignored it and informed the bodyguards " Lead the way, Lets party "

Standing at the left corner of the big party hall, Wen Chao smiled when he watched Wang walk in and greet the guest. He sneered. No one could recognize him with the mask on. He had used a different face and dyed his hair blonde. The Mafia Party Merger. All the Lotus and Jade Mafia were present. He saw Wen Xu searching the room until he spotted him. Wen Chao nodded and walked out of the room through the kitchen Exit. He headed down to the basement parking lot, picked a bag from the car and then walked back into the manor.

Zhan knew that there was a mole who had let Wen Chao in the manor. The minute he had set foot, alarms had gone off in the control room. He thought by wearing a mask he could hide but Zhan had been smarter. The body sensor identified him and now he was on the radar. Zhan entered the control room , sat down and watched every movement they made. He had set a trap and they had fallen for it.

He stood up and commanded " Watch their every move, especially Wen Chao. Once he tried anything, grab him and take him into the dungeon. As for Wen Xu, today will be the last day he breathes. "

He left the control room and walked into his room to change his clothes. He then walked to the party hall with two guards following him at a distance as they walked through the gardens washed in moonlight. Once he entered the party hall , he headed straight for Wang and the entire Mafia world looked shocked. They had never seen the Yilling Lazhou without a mask.The women gushed and the men looked awestruck. He looked deadly, lethal, Dominant and then Wang embraced him and they stood looking at the crowd who welcomed them with an applause. 


The whole crowd went silent. " We are here to celebrate the merger between the biggest clans. The Yunmeng Lotus and the Jade of Gusu clans have officially merged. Let's celebrate tonight and then tommorow we all get down to business. " Wang informed the crowd.

I ,Yilling Lazhou ,welcomes everyone from the Jade of Gusu clans. " Zhan said with a big smile.


Wen Chao stealthily sneaked into the Lotus Main Wing and on the camera he headed into the Zhan's room when the security ambushed him and knocked him out

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Wen Chao stealthily sneaked into the Lotus Main Wing and on the camera he headed into the Zhan's room when the security ambushed him and knocked him out.

As Zhan and Wang greeted the guest a message came through " The snake is in the Dungeon". Zhan smiler while Wang snickered. He let go of Zhan's hand and said " I need to use the restroom " Zhan nodded. As he turned to leave ,Wen Xu appeared before him and said " Let's go. I will escort you boss." Wang hesitate but Zhan was the quick to say"  Come back soon"

Wang walked and on his heels was Wen Xu. When they got near the bathroom Wen Xu suddenly tripped and Wang was forced to hold him before he hit the floor. Wen Xu thinking that he had an opportunity to be intimate,lifted his head and tried to kiss him. But Wang was too quick and knocked him with one strike to the ground.

He turned and summoned the guards the end of hall and they rushed to him. He stood over an unconscious Wen Xu and said " Take this piece of trash to the Dungeon" . He then turned around and walked back to the party.

Hours later when all the guest had left Zhan winked at Wang and said " It's time to finish this endless cat and mouse game once and for all."

Dear Sweeties

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

One more Chapter and the story ends👋 

Love you all 


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