Chapter 5

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D: Goodnight sweetheart.
Me: Goodnight honey.
D: How did you go back to LA?
Me: A plane.
D: But why would you go back there?
Me: They're going to get arrested soon. Then I'll be safe.
D: Well what happened to you at like 12 years old?
Me: My step dad raped me for 5 years straight and my mother made me feel like I would never have a husband. She called me ugly and fat.
D: Well that explains why you've been off ever since you were little.
Me: Did you rape her?
D: No. I just touched her like I touched you when we were dating.
Me: Remember what promises I made to you?
D: When we got married?
Me:When we started dating.
D: No.
Me: I promised to go at your pace and I also said that I would always stick by you.
D: Well I can't remember that far back but that seems like something you would say. When are you going to come back to Mexico?
How do I tell him that I'm not coming back?
Me: I'm not leaving LA.
D: Look if we're going to make our relationship work then you have to come back to Mexico with me. It was your idea in the first place.
Me: I know but at least your family might visit you with me in a different country.
D: Am I ever going to get my wife back to Mexico?
Me: I'm sorry but I'm never going back there.
D: Well then how are we going to work?
Me: I miss you though honey.
D: I miss you too sweetheart but how are we going to make this work?
I went to visit my husband in Mexico. I saw him doing community service. We made out very passionately. He pulled away. "You're back!" My husband said honestly.
I went inside our house. My husband came back in. He touched me all over. I dragged him inside our bedroom. I laid down on the bed. I spreaded out my legs. He ate me out. I moaned. I squirted in his mouth. He swallowed it. He did it to me. "I love you a lot sweetheart." He said honestly.
"I love you a lot too honey." I said honestly.
He redresed us. POV played. I sang along. He looked at me shocked. All For Love played. I sang along. He looked in my eyes in love. I looked in his eyes in love. I cooked for my man and our kid. "Why is my friend Aaron looking for you?"
"I'm part Carter."
"Which one of the Carters do you belong to?" He asked honestly.
"Your friend." I said honestly.
"Well and I'm married to you?"
"Unless if you want to divorce me?"
"I'm never divorcing you. And you need to eat something." He said honestly.
"I'm not hungry." I said lying.
"Yes. You are. Your mother is in your head isn't she?"
"Yeah." I said honestly.
"Sweetheart you have to eat something or we're going to have problems." He said honestly.
Our son came downstairs. He sat down by his dad. I went upstairs in our room. He came in. "You can't let her get in your head." He said honestly.
"Easier said than done." I said honestly.
"I know but would you please take my advice and eat something?"
He told my father where I was and that he was worried about me. My father found me. "What's worrying you about my daughter?" My father asked honestly.
"She isn't eating anything and I think it's because of her mother. She called her ugly and fat."
"Like her ex best friend and her bullies at school."
"Yeah." I said honestly.
"Who would bully her and was it a girl?" My husband asked honestly.
"Yeah. She barely trusts people including everything she's been through but she trusts me and you and her twin right?" My father asked honestly.
"Yeah. I love you dad." I said honestly.
"I love you more daughter."
"Why would she trust me and you? We're criminals." Drake said honestly.
"She's never cheated on a test or on any human being. But I have a serious question for you daughter."
" Go ahead and ask dad." I said honestly.
"Why did you come back to LA in the first place?"
I dragged my father outside. "The reason I came back to LA was because I'm a sex slave to my friends." I whispered in my father's ear honestly.
"Well that explains a lot. Should I tell your husband?" My father asked honestly.
"No. He's already mad at me. I don't want him to be pissed at me."

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