Chapter 10

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"I want a sister that looks like you mommy." Our son said honestly.
"We'll see what the gender of the baby is."
I went to find out the gender. I found out that I was pregnant with twin boys. I texted Drake:
Me: I have good news.
D: It's a boy isn't it?
Me: We're having twins and they're both boys.
D: Yay! So we're having twin boys! That means that they're going to look like you!
Me: I miss you.
D: Does that mean that you want to get back together with me?
Me: I will if you treat me like a queen.
D: Deal but you have to change to.
Me: So you don't want me to be myself?
D: No. I do want you to be yourself just don't make me mad anymore.  So are we back to dating again?
Me: I want to marry you again.
D: I'm more than okay with that. Where do you want to get married again?
Me: At a church.
D: Okay. We're inviting your family and my family. When are we getting married?
Me: On your birthday.
D: Okay.
He booked our wedding. He came home. I went inside our house with our son. "You're getting twin brothers and mommy and daddy are getting back together." Drake said honestly.
"Yay!" Our son said honestly. "But I wanted a sister."
"We'll have one eventually." I said honestly.
"So are we going to have dinner as a family at a restaurant?"
"Yeah." Drake said honestly.
Drake held my hand. Our son held my hand too. We walked to a restaurant there. I sat down in a booth. Our son sat down by me holding my hand. Drake sat down by our kid. "I love you a lot mommy." Our son said honestly.
"I love you too." I said honestly.
Drake coughed. "I love you too daddy."
"I love you too." Drake said honestly. "I love her more though."
Our son moved to the other side of the booth. Drake held my hand. "Why do you want a sister?" Drake asked honestly.
"So I won't have to share my toys." Our son said honestly.
"I wish I still had my sister." Drake said honestly crying.
"You'll have mommy as long as you treat her better."
"I know and I'll try to treat her like a queen. Why get married on my birthday?"
"Well it's easier to remember for you. And who's going to help me pick out a dress?" I asked honestly.
"Our son can. I'll invite your friends to our wedding." Drake said honestly.
I bought this:

 I bought this:

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I bought this:

I bought white flats and a glittery veil

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I bought white flats and a glittery veil.
I carried it inside our closet. Drake came in. I closed the closet door. Our son came in. I laid down on our bed. Drake found me. "My wedding dress is in there." I said honestly.
"Can I see it?" Drake asked honestly.
"On our wedding day."
"What do you want our first dance song to be?"
"Thinking Out Loud." I said honestly.
"You're father is going to be my matron of honor." He said honestly. "What do you want our other songs to be?"
"Ours,Crazier, and Gorgeous." I said honestly.
"What's your obsession with Taylor Swift?"
"It's either her or my dad's songs."
"Why not choose any of my songs?" He asked honestly.
He looked in my eyes in love waiting for a response. I went to the club with my costars. We danced together. Drake found me. He took me back home. "No hanging out with anyone other than your father and your twin." Drake said honestly.
"I love you but why do you always when I'm having fun you drag me back here?" I asked honestly.
"Because you hang out with the wrong people."
"Like you're not a bad influence."
"Well at least I love you." He said honestly.
"Yeah." I said honestly.
I went on a plane back to Minnesota. Jonah and Zach were already at Jonah's parents house. I went inside it. I saw Zach. "Hey ex girlfriend." Zach said honestly.
"Hey Zach." I said honestly.
"Wait a minute who dumped who?" His family asked honestly.
"She dumped me for a good reason." Zach said honestly.
"Which is?"
"I cheated on her and so did Zayn. She married Drake Bell."
"I divorced him but we'll get back together if he treats me right." I whispered in his ear.
"Well did we treat you better than he did?" Zach whispered in my ear.
I gave Jonah an invitation to our wedding. "But doesn't he hate us?" Jonah asked honestly.
"He'll just have to deal with it. Let's go in your room." I said honestly.

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