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Louis <3: good morning :)

Ahhh. There's no better existing way to wake up than getting a good morning text from your crush.

Harry: good morning!!! How did you sleep lou???

Louis <3: someone's really energetic today aren't ya? I slept really well, what about you?

Harry: I would've slept better if you were sleeping next to me ;)

Louis <3: you're still trying to flirt with me? Lol. I told you as long as I don't know who you are I won't flirt back?

Harry: why's that? :(

Louis <3: I feel like I'm cheating on my crush by flirting with someone else

Harry: have you even talked to him? Fuck him! It's not like y'all dating if he hadn't made a move and someone's making a move on you I think you should go with it

Louis <3: I really wish I could Edward. But I'm afraid that at least for now my heart belongs to him...

Just like that the best morning ever became the worst one. I understand Louis. I really do. But it doesn't make the pain any less painful. I wish Louis would see the things he see's in that crush of his in me...

I  didn't reply to him and just got ready to school. I won't be beginning him to love me. Love isn't a thing you can turn on and off whenever you want.

I got to school about 15 minutes earlier and decided to go to the library to return my book since I had just enough time for it. I told the librarian that I already read the book and I'd like to finally return it. She asked me if I remembered where it was when I found it and if I could return it just there. I gladly nodded and went to put it on the bookshelf I found it in.

When I put the book into it's place I heard a familiar voice. "My policeman? I heard it's good, but really sad. Is that truth?" I turned to look at the person. It was Louis. Of course it's Louis. He's always there. "Depends on your point of view on lgbtq+" I answered. "So you're telling me a popular guy like you not only reads but also supports gay people?" Louis crossed his arms and leaned over the bookshelf clearly impressed.

"Am I not supposed to?" I asked. "No, not that. I'm just impressed. Most of the popular people in school are either super homophobic or think that studying is a waste of time." Louis answered. "Well I'm clearly not a homophobe. Also studying and reading are two different things. I never said I like to study. I like two read. It's two different worlds." "Not really" "oh you're not about to have an argument with me about that because I'm definitely going to win." Louis smirked and a raised an eyebrow leaning in but not like he's about to kiss me but like he's about to whisper something in my ear. "Will you now?" We locked eyes and before I know it the bell is ringing. I rush out of the library not bothering to say anything.

First class I had was geography and as usual since the teacher is old he doesn't really hear me and Niall talking to each other so we kind of used his age as a good excuse to talk to each other. I found out from Niall that Liam has a huge crush on someone, Niall just doesn't know anything about the person only the fact that they have beautiful eyes and adorable eyelashes whatever that's supposed to mean.

Since geography nothing interesting happened and the day went by quite clean and quick, it was all until Louis came up to my locker. "Hey, so we're going to do that project tomorrow at mines right?" "Yeah just don't forget to bring your song with you" I sent him a grin. "Oh believe me I won't" he smirked and went after his friend Zayn.

Louis POV:

"Oh believe me I won't" I said and went after Zayn. He said that there's something interesting he has to tell me. We went to a school parking lot and before we got into the car Zayn started to speak. "So you know how I like this Liam guy right?" Me and Zayn were pretty open about our sexualities and I knew that he was bi and Zayn knew that I was gay. "Yeah, the Harry's friend?" Zayn nodded "so?"  "He's hosting a party this Saturday, and he invited me and he said that I can bring my friends if I want to. And you're obviously so in love with that popular guy-" I interrupted Zayn "hey! That popular guy has a name"

Zayn sighted "okay you're in love with that Harry dude and since they're friends he's going to be there as well- all I'm trying to say is that you're going to that party with me, and don't even tray to sa-" "yeah sure" I answered before Zayn could even finish the sentence "wait what? You hate party's. There's no way you just agreed on going to a party this easily."  "Well since the love of my life will be there too I'm not going to waste my chance to charm him." "Right. Harry. And here I was thinking you would go because your best friend of ten years asked you too, but no you're going because some guy that you only had a conversation with like twice will be there." Zayn pouted. "Oh Zayn don't be so sad. You know I love you. But Harry on the other hand has no clue. I have to show my love to him."

"Okay, anyway so how's it happening with Edward?" Zayn wiggled his eyebrows and  smirked at me. I rolled my eyes "Zayn I already told you. Edward is most definitely not Harry and my heart is taken by him. I don't want to lead Edward on when I'm not sure that I can give him something that he wants from me" Zayn nodded understanding "yeah, you're right. It wouldn't be fair to him"

I looked at my phone is had a notification that Harry posted a picture on Instagram an hour ago. How did I miss that for a whole hour? I had followed Harry since I created my Instagram account. Actually he was the very first person I started following. When Harry followed me back one and a half years later I bragged about it for a whole week to Zayn.

Oh my god! He's so hot and cute at the same time! I'm so blessed that he even knows me

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Oh my god! He's so hot and cute at the same time! I'm so blessed that he even knows me. I wonder where the caption is from it looks like it's from a song. I googled it but nothing came up. I'll ask him myself.

I can't believe it! He, one: replied to me, two: said it's from his own song

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I can't believe it! He, one: replied to me, two: said it's from his own song. So he's not only hot and cute and good at school but he's also a good songwriter?

The person he wrote that song for must be so lucky and happy. Imagine that someone wrote a song like this to you. I don't know how about you but I would marry that person on the spot. And I just saw one line. That's all it took for me to know that he's completely in love with the person who's the song about. I need to hear that song right now! Maybe he'll show it tomorrow when we're supposed to do our project?

A/N: heyyyy thank you for reading :)

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