Chapter 7

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"Ugh you beat me again!" Shoyo pouts throwing his phone next to him, on the couch. 

"You have to work on your defense. I told you." 

"But it's so harddddd" he whines and I sigh. I get grab his phone and sit next to him, then start going through his character's inventory, equipping them with some pretty useful things Shoyo has collected.

"There. Try it out." I say, putting Shoyo's phone in his hands, but he doesn't grab it, so i look at him. Shoyo quickly turns to his phone, and i notice a very light shade of pink on his cheeks. Why's he blushing?

"S-sorry! Let m-me try out the character now!" he says, raising his voice once again.

"Shoyo, your voice."

"O-Oh yeah! Sorry haha..." 

I glance at him, and direct my attention back to his phone. "It's alright."

There's a small silence before Shoyo speaks up again. "Oh yeah it's 5 minutes before midnight, let's go!" he says standing up quickly and making his way to the door. I take a deep breath and follow behind. Our footsteps are silent as we don't want to wake up the others sleeping. We walk to the entrance and Shoyo unlocks the door, opens it up and lets me walk out first. Seconds later i hear his footsteps behind me. 

"Woah, it really is pretty." I say looking up at the dark sky filled with stars. There's a faint blue and purple, but it's hardly visible. 

"Yeah but this is not where i want you to see it, c'mon follow me!" Shoyo exclaims and starts walking pretty fast. Looks like he's going up the mountains and it's hard for me to keep up.

"S-shoyo, slow down a bit... you're walking too fast..." I struggle to say, as i'm out of breath.

"Oh, sorry! Here lemme help you!" He says walking to me and grabbing my hand. Not sure how it helps but i just go with it.

"Thanks... by the way where are we going, it's getting kind of cold the more we go up." I say looking at him.

"We're almost there , just a few more steps and we're there!" 


We keep walking and in less than 10 seconds, we stop and Shoyo gestures me to sit down with him, and i do.

"Look!" Shoyo points up and i tiredly look up, amazed by the sky. It's as if we moved completely. It's full of stars, brightening it up, with the full moon up as well. I don't say anything while admiring the view, and shoyo breaks the silence.

"Pretty, right??" he asks, and i nod. "yeah..." It's silent again and when i glance at Shoyo, i see him staring at me. "Is something wrong.?" I ask getting nervous.

"N-no! it's just... your eyes are really pretty right now... They're always pretty but right now they're amazing!" he says smiling at me and i can feel my face getting warmer. "T-Thanks... yours are pretty too."


"Are you cold?" I ask shoyo out of the blue. 

"Nah, just a bit chilly." he replies. 

"I see. We should go back now, before any of us catch a cold." I say standing up. 

"Right! Let's go then."

We walk back down and reach Shoyo's house in less than 20 minutes. After entering, we go to his room since we're both tired. 

"Are you fine with sleeping on the futon?" Shoyo asks me after turning off the lights, leaving only the lamp on his bedside table on. 

"Yeah, i'm fine. Thanks. Goodnight." I say lying down and making myself comfortable. The blankets are very soft and fluffy, surprisingly. 

"Goodnight! Sleep well" Shoyo says as he turns off the light.

"You too."

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