Chapter 10

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*2 weeks later*

"Kenmaaaa wake uppp!" I hear a faint voice calling my name, and struggle to open my eyes. When i finally manage to open them, and adjust to the brightness of the sun rays beaming inside my room, i see kuroo standing next to my bed.

"You overslept again. We've got 15 minutes to get to school." The tall male says. He's already dressed in his school uniform, but his hair still looks messy. Did he oversleep too?

"I'll be ready in 5." I say, getting out of bed slowly, still half asleep. I walk over to my bathroom and wash my face, proceeding to do my normal routine, but ten times faster.

I then walk back to my room and get my uniform out of the wardrobe, quickly dressing up. I grab my bag and look over at kuroo, who's seated on the window nook, his right hand supporting his head as he looks out the window.

"I'm done." I say and Kuroo looks over at me. "You're not gonna have breakfast?" he asks.

"No. I'm not hungry. Let's just go. Don't wanna be late." I say and kuroo takes a while to reply. He sighs and speaks up again. "Alright then." He stands up and we both walk downstairs and out of the front door. Kuroo isn't acting normally. He seems tired.

We're now walking on the pavement, taking our normal route to school, not even bothering to run or anything since we already know we're gonna be late.

"Hey, why'd you oversleep?" I ask after a few minutes, breaking the silence.

"It was nothing, just stayed up a bit late by mistake." he says, sounding a bit colder than usual. I'm actually kind of worried. He's never been this down and the only time i've seen him like that was when he lost a close relative.

We stay silent the rest of the way, and as we approach the school, i speak up. "If you wanna talk just come to me. You know i'll hear you out." i then look up at him. "Alright?"


Today we don't have morning Volleyball practice so we just head straight to our classes.

"See you later." I say and he nods, giving me one of his 'i'm alright' smiles.

"See you."

School goes by the same as always. After volleyball practice, I wait outside for Kuroo. I look at my phone and see a message from shoyo.

hi kenma!

hi shoyo

he instantly replies. Cute.

did your afterschool practice just end??

Yeah. Yours?

mine too!! do you wanna play some games later tonight???


I'll talk to you later tonight then! i gotta help out with putting stuff away haha

alright. see you

"Ready to go?" i hear Kuroo ask next to me.

"Yeah." I say, putting my phone away in my pocket.

We start walking back home. The walk is silent once again, but not as uncomfortable as before.

"I'll see you on Monday then." I say as we reach my house.

"Actually, do you wanna hang out tomorrow? It's been a while." Kuroo says.

"sure, just text me when. Or just randomly appear in my room like you always do." I say and he laughs.

"I'll do that then." He's smiling again so that's good. "See you tomorrow then." he says as he waves and proceeds to make his way back home.

"See you." i say to myself and then sigh. I walk inside and as always, do my normal daily routine. Today is Friday so i don't bother with doing any homework. After taking my shower i go downstairs to grab a snack and then go back into my room. And now all i have to do is wait for shoyo to text me to tell me when we're gonna play.

*later that night after dinner*

My phone vibrates and i look at the message. It's shoyo.

hey kenma! are you free to play right now??


alright, me too! can we call?

Call? that makes me a bit nervous...

yeah sure.


Seconds later my phone rings and i answer it.

"Hi Kenma!" I hear shoyo's cheerful voice on the other end of the line.

"Hey" i greet silently. "What game do you want to play first?" I ask.

"It can be the one we played on Wednesday." he says and i nod as if he can see me, entering the game on my computer. "Alright." I say. We proceed to spend the next 2 hours on a game. I'll be honest, i did catch myself smiling from time to time, and it made me feel real fuzzy and kind of happy? i don't really know, but it's been like this almost every time i'm with Shoyo, whether that be in person or through a screen. Even though i already know why i feel like that, i still can't believe it. Why would i catch all these feeling all of the sudden? And why can't i just let them out...

I've know Shoyo for a few months. I definetely did not expect i would be the kind of person that falls in love so quickly.

That's right. I like Shoyo, but i wouldn't admit it. At least, not yet...

"Hey Kenma, i forgot to mention it, but my mom wants to take Natsu on a trip tomorrow." Shoyo speaks through his mic, reminding me i'm still on a call with him.

"Oh, that's nice." I say and I picture Shoyo nodding his head in response.

"Yeah! So we'll be going to Tokyo tomorrow morning!" He says, making me choke on air. It's been a while since we hung out. I don't know what to say in response to Shoyo.

"That's cool.." I say silently.

"Yeah! Mom said i can meet up with you too! Unless you're busy of course." He says. I then remember about my plans with Kuroo. Dammit, what do i do now...

"I... think i'll be free. I'll tell you if i'm free or not tomorrow, alright?"

"Alright!" he says all happily. We continue playing our game. I'll talk to Kuroo tomorrow.

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