Chapter 1 The mission

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I pulled my long black hair into a ponytail, and checked my watch. 5:30. I had a meeting with Dustin at 7:00, so I had to do this fast. I pushed a button in my sash, and the box with my tazer unlocked, and I grabbed out my weapon.

My name is Kelsey. I'm a thirteen year old spy, and the second best in my agency. First best is Andy, but he was in Japan. He got all the cool missions, while I get the baby ones. No time to think about Andy, there were three grown men that I was sent to take out, and, at the moment, they all have their backs turned to me.

I held the tazer close, and put my other hand out. One man was extremely large, and the other two were average. I went up behind the first man, and put my finger on the side of his neck. I pushed down, and he was out. The other two men barely took notice that their parter had fallen. I guess he did that a lot. Next was the big guy. I turned my tazer on, and placed it on his shoulder. He didn't know what had hit him. The last man looked at me, and aimed his gun. I kicked the gun out of his hand, and punched him in the side of the head. He fell unconscious, and I took the opportunity to search the camp.

I pulled my eye drops out of my pocket, and put them in. I rubbed the nail on my pointer finger, and my heat vision turned on. When I had joined the agency, Dustin, the head in charge, had given me special nail polish and eye drops, and each nail activated something different in the eye drops. If I rubbed my thumb, I would have night vision, my pointer activated heat vision, middle finger gives X-ray vision, my ring finger has binocular vision, and my pinky (my personal favorite) could change my eye color. That one was important for disguise.

The camp was empty, so I decided to check out the main tent first. It was large, and dark. There was flashlight on top of one of the two cots. I reached for it, but stopped. If those guys regained consciousness, they would find me easily. So I turned on my night vision, and started my search. I found a few maps of the camp, but nothing caught my eye, so I began to dig around a bit. After a while, I found what I was looking for. I slid it into a pocket in my sash, and sliped out. It had gotten much darker outside, and I needed to keep my night vision on. the men were still out cold, so I grabbed their IDs and let them be.

I hoped into the silver Nissan the agency had given me, and started going through the papers.

It was just maps and bills, nothing big, but one thing caught my eye. It was a picture of a lady, about twenty. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. On the back of the photo it said, 'Miranda Daniel' I took interest in the photo, because, her facial features were similar to mine. 'I'll take this to Dustin.' I told myself, and put everything in a folder. I pressed a button on my watch, and Dustin appeared. "Hey Dustin." I said "hey Kelsey, did you complete the mission already?" I shrugged, "it was pretty easy." I said. "So, will you finally tell me what that was for?" "Just drive up here, I'll explain when you get here."

I turned the watch off, and grabbed my keys. I know what your thinking. 'Oh my gosh! She is only thirteen! How is she driving?' Well, I got my license when I was eleven, the A.D.A. gives all agents a license once they reach a certain level. So... Technically it's illegal, but apparently not for me.

It didn't take long to get to HQ, and as soon as I got there, I headed straight to where Dustin needed me. As I neared the main area, I checked my watch. 6:59. Perfect. I entered the main area, and there was Dustin, waiting for me. "Perfect timing again Kelsey." He praised me.

The entire HQ was black and grey, and every surface was shiny. The main area connected to every hallway, and in the middle, was a large, circular counter, with computers. When I was younger, I thought it looked like a big donut. Many people rushed around. I knew pretty much everyone in the business, because I started when I was eight.

I have parents, don't get me wrong, but, I just don't know where. They were sent on a mission a few years ago, and still haven't returned. I know they are still alive, we all do, but we just can't locate them.

Dustin led me into the meeting room, and hit the 'lockdown' button. All of the doors locked, and all of the walls became sound proof. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"May I see it?" He asked me. I nodded and reached into the pocket on my sash. I pulled out the item I had found in the tent, and handed it to Dustin. It was a silver charm bracelet, with many Japanese symbols on it. I could read the symbols pretty easy.

They were. "もうんたいな ひっょ ロアだ カイ' or 'mountain, hill, road, Kai.' "Kai?" I asked. "Yes." Dustin answered. "He is the youngest member of the C.D.A."

C.D.A. stands for child detecting agency. I showed Dustin the folder I had of maps and photos. I showed him the one of Miranda, and told him what I thought.

"She looks like me." I said. "If we had more information, I could pose as her". "Smart thinking." He said.

"Okay Dustin." I had waited long enough. "Why did I need to get this bracelet?" Dustin looked at me very seriously. "Andy has gone missing, and our main suspect is Kai. You and Phil are going to Japan on a rescue mission to find Andy." I stayed calm, and listed to my assignment. "This bracelet is our best clue. He gave it to someone. You will be using our best gadgets for this mission. You won't need code names, but you need to look like you belong." I nodded. "Your hair is fine, but we will send you and Phil to Amanda."

Amanda is our disguise artist, and can make you look like a different person in minutes.

"You leave at nine"

I nodded again, thinking of the time. The flight is 15 hours, so if we left at nine p.m. we would get there at... One in the afternoon. The time is different it Japan, and this particular assignment was in Tokyo. Dustin finished giving me instructions, and told me to go to Amanda. "Wait, I said. Why Phil?" "Phil is more experienced then you think." I didn't want a partner, especially not Phil. "Dustin, please, I can do this on my own." Dustin glared at me. "Don't argue with me." I answered with a, 'yes sir.' And headed towards the door.

It was 7:30 when I got to the salon. Phil was already there. Phil is a crybaby. He is week. I don't care what Dustin said. The salon is in the HQ, so it didn't take to long to get to. "Hey Kelsey." Amanda said. "Hey." I answered, and sat in the chair next to Phil. I don't know how she did it, but Amanda turned Phil's wavy blonde hair, and blue eyes, into straight black hair and brown eyes. All Amanda had to do to me, was turn my green eyes brown, and straighten my hair. These changes weren't permanent, but should last us long enough to complete the mission.

Phil and I picked up our gear at the front desk, and headed out. It was early February, and the air was cool. I want through the mission plan in my head. Once we get to Japan, we will meet our "mom and dad," then we had to crack the code on the bracelet, that will lead us from there. I looked at my watch. 8:15. I decided to work on my Japanese. I had to study all languages when I first joined, so I knew a lot. Phil, on the other hand, was having trouble. I helped Phil until it was time to leave. The A.D.A. private airplane arrived, and we were off.

I tried to ignore it. I tried to listen to music. I tried to sleep. But the entire ride, Phil decided to work on his Japanese. I thought about that tazer that I always kept on me. I wonder... No. I just had to push through it. The ride was miserable, but, I did get to know Phil more. He is thirteen, his dad is in the agency, his mom died, and he has been training for two years. I did a bit of research on Kai. He is fifteen, he is in middle school, he has no siblings, and he is a part of the C.D.A. although he is still young.

I looked out my window. Japan was beautiful. I had been here once on an assignment to recover an artifact, but that lasted a few days. This mission could last months. The plane began to land, and I made sure I had all of my weapons and gadgets hidden. I had a photo of our "mom and dad" so I began the search.

Our "parents" were also members of the A.D.A. so they knew everything, unlike one mission, when I had to pretend to be a foster kid. We finally found them, and they led us to their house.

The house had many codes and gadgets, and I knew that this mission was going to be fun.

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