Chapter 2 Japan

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Mr. And Mrs. Anderson were their names, my fake parents. They showed my my room (and all of the traps, lasers, and escape routes) and let be be to unpack my things.

I had my traditional Japanese clothing and the loads of makeup that Amanda had given me. I also decided to look through the gear that Dustin had given me. Wow. These were the new, high tech, international spy association, gadgets. Dustin wasn't kidding when he said we got the newest gear. I took off my old watch, and replaced it with the new one. I touched the screen and it began to scan the room. "Human detected." It said. "Male, 13," the screen turned green, telling me that the person was on my side. "It's pretty smart." Someone said from behind me.

I spun around, and saw Phil standing in my doorway. I rolled my eyes, and continued to check everything out. My favorite was the nail polish and eye drops. The polish was clear, so I could change the color, or have no color. I tried it. Everything was in better focus, and I only had to tap the nail. It was cool, because it recognized my finger print.

I also got a new tazer, new throwing knives, and a new gun. I'm beginning to like this mission more and more.

I'm a neat freak. All of my belongings must be perfect, or I will go insane! If you don't believe me, just ask my fake brother, Phil. He had to learn the hard way.

"What's that?" "Nothing." "Can I play with that?" "No." "What does that do?" "I don't know." "Can I feel this?" "No." "Can I try this on?" "No." "Can I push that button?" "Yes." "Really? What does it do?" "It explodes." "Oh."

One word, boys.

Don't worry, Phil is fine! He still has his right leg, and he says he is starting to feel his left hand again! Also, we found some ice for his head. No, I'm just kidding. About the head part. As you can see, I'm very sarcastic.

After I had finished putting away all of my gear and clothes and, well, anything else that the agency sent with me, I gave myself a tour of the house. It was a large house. I found many secret hallways and several hidden passages. They weren't very well hidden, but then again, I'm a spy. Finding this kind of stuff comes naturally to me.

Mrs. Anderson, oh, I'm sorry, mom, called me to dinner. She had made sushi. Sushi. I know I'm supposed to be able to eat a lot, giving that I'm always somewhere different, but sushi? No thanks. Do they have five guys around here? I couldn't complain. This is still better than the stuff the A.D.A. plane had. I tried not to think about food. I was on a mission, not on the show 'Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives.'

Mr. And Mrs. Anderson were great house guests, and I enjoyed their company. Mrs. Anderson told Phil and I that we need to fit in, so the agency had enrolled us in some Japanese sports and activities. "Phil, you will take piano lessons, many kids here do." Phil didn't seem to thrilled about the idea, and I thought it would be funny watching him try to play a musical instrument. "Kelsey, you are going to take a Teakwondo class."

I'm a spy, I know self defense better than I know myself. So why am I going to take a Teakwondo class?

"It will help you fit in."

I can live without.

"It will improve your skills!"

If I improve them anymore, I'll become the hulk.

This was NOT going to work. But, life sucks, so I start my first class on Monday. It's Friday. Whope. I need a nap.

I decided it would be a good idea to take a walk, get used to my surroundings. Plus, I needed a break. The air was cool, unlike the stuffy air back in Germany. I took a deal breath, sucking in the beautiful air of Japan. It was sunset, and the mountains looked stunning with the orange sky behind them, and it gave me something else to think about. A young girl came up to me.

"Hey," she said. I whipped around, and nearly punched her. I need to work on that. "I'm Sarah." "Kelsey." I said. Her eyes traveled towards my wrist. "That's a nice bracelet." I looked down at my wrist. I forgot that I was wearing the bracelet. Oh crud. "Thanks." Is all I said. "Where did you get it?" I mentally slapped myself. "Um..." My brain searched for an answer. Why hadn't Dustin given me a backstory? "My mom gave it to me." I blurted out, a little bolder than I hoped. 'I think that's believable.' I told myself. Sarah looked at it again. "So... Yo got from your uncle. Your uncle... Kai?"

Why. Why am I such a bad agent? Why didn't I think? Why, why, why?

"Yes." Stupid. "My uncle Kai." "Funny." Sarah said. "My boyfriends name is Kai, and he gave me a bracelet just. Like. That." She pointed to my wrist after every word. Sarah looked suspiciously at me. "I thought you said your mom gave it to you though." I thought back. Shoot. I did say that. "Did I?" I asked. Sarah turned to leave, but then, she sprayed something white in my face. I was out in seconds.

I woke up. I was tied to a board, my hands an feet wrapped with rope, along with my arms. There was cloth in my mouth. It tasted like turtle poop. Don't ask how I know that. I looked down at my wrist. The bracelet was gone. I sighed, and tried to grab my knife. It was taken too. Lucky, I still had my barrette. I began to figure out how to reach it. As I struggled, someone entered the room I was in.

I couldn't figure out if I was in the prison, of the living room. Maybe both?

"Ah, Kelsey. Kelsey, what?" I rolled my eyes at that one. It was a boy, obviously. No girl would say something that stupid. I could help but wonder if this was Kai. "Kelsey Anderson." The boy dropped his shoulders. "Don't play dumb. Your real last name." There ain't no way I'm telling this guy my last name. "Anderson." The boy looked mad, but then a smile crept onto his face. "It looks like we're going to have to do this the hard way." "Oh Ya, I'm real scared now."

He had my knife. You have no idea how humiliating being cut with your own knife is. The boy chose the skin exposed on my right arm. Though as he did, my barrette slowly slipped out of my hair, and into my opposite hand. I used it to untie myself, but I didn't let the boy know I was free. "What is your name?" "Kelsey Anderson." He dug the knife deeper. I've had worse pain, this was nothing. After a while, he got bored. "I'll be back Kelsey, and I hope you will have decided to give me the answer I want." He was almost out the door, when I stopped him. "You will be here all alone!" "Ya righ..." The boy stood stunned, as I waved and hoped out the window.

What kind of a moron puts a window in the same room they put prisoners? Never mind, it worked in my defense.

I made it back to the Anderson's in a timely manner, which would be impossible for an average person, but I'm not average.

Mrs. Anderson helped me with my cut, and Mr. Anderson had me tell him about all of the suspects I ran into. Phil? He just asked me to tell him the story over and over. He is so immature.

I got into my pajamas, and turned out my lights. I slowly began to doze off. It was so peaceful. Then I remembered something. I quickly sat up. They still had the bracelet.

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