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(A/N: Hey everyone, just to inform you I am planning to make another Fate reaction fanfiction. This time, it is Chaldea and the Fate/Grand Order characters themselves reacting to past Holy Grail Wars.)

(I know, I know, you guys are probably confused or angry that I did not update Observing Fate/Grand Order for a while. I'm telling you, college semesters and essays are killing me and my brain is on the teetering state of not functioning and losing motivation.)

(And so, I will need help. And by help, I mean wanting your guys' opinion and patience towards the fanfictions I am making. Like other authors and stories you made yourselves, it takes time as well as care in how much you guys wanted the story to progress.)

(Hopefully, I can get my semester done before the deadline. I really don't want to fail my first semester of college.)

(I hope you guys enjoy this first chapter.)

(Note that this takes place after Lostbelt Six so you might see some spoilers.)


The Amphitheater...

Across from a large screen showing images and videos of a young boy and girl, lies above a small room with a projector as a man sits on a wooden chair facing the screen. He wore a white trousers hidden behind brown scholar robes with a brown French hat on top of his black hair. His emerald eyes gave off a clever look between his sideburns as he begin to notice your presence.

"Oh hello dear reader" he smiled as he light waved. "I am the Caster of the Amphitheater but you may as well know my True Name in the other fanfiction Observing Fate/Grand Order. Currently, we are on hiatus right now since my creator is in the middle of college."

"Now, you may be wondering" he says as he stood up from his chair and walked towards you. "Why am I talking to you at this moment while I am in the middle of showing my guest here the epic of Humanity's Last Master? Well you see, my creator had other ideas in mind and asked me if I can show Chaldea other Holy Grail Wars that my guest here had participated in. Like vice versa if you can say."

"Dear Caster" an old voice called out to him as he saw an old man sitting on his luxurious chair. "Leaving so soon?"

"Well, our readers want a good story Zeltrech" Caster said so casually. "Besides, I feel like I want to do something new."

"And who is going to run this place when you're gone" the old man asked to which the Servant answered his question.

"Luckily for you" he said as he clapped his hands. It was then another replica of Caster appeared as he waved to the Kaleidoscope. "I've summoned a replica of myself just in case incidents like this would happen. I implanted my memories into this replica so he can remember what he is suppose to do in my place."

"I look forward in entertaining these guest other me" the second Caster respectfully bowed as he took his position.

"Well, it's time for me to go" the Caster of the Amphitheater smiled as he looked at the wielder of Second Magic. "Would you care to do the honors?"

"Indeed" Zeltrech nodded as he pulled out his jeweled sword. He pointed towards a wall where a portal appeared as Caster begin to walk closer.

"It's been an honor working with you Mr. Zeltrech" he smiled as he held out his hand.

"It was a pleasure to meet you as well" he said as he grabbed it and shake it.

"So long" Caster smiled as he walked towards the portal. As soon as he crossed to the other side, the portal collapses, leaving the old man and the replica staring at the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2021 ⏰

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