Proclamation 100113 of August 23, 2021
I descended on planet earth with twenty-one crore beings who are destined with a single unified supreme goal – serve and expand the mission of Paramashiva in KAILASA with me in the revival of Sanatana Hindu Dharma
தவலையத்தில் நித்யானந்தர் பிறக்கும்முன்னே
முன்னவே ஏழுகோடி மக்களையேமாநிலத்தில் படைத்துவிடடு பிறக்கும்போதுதன்னோடு கழுகோடி மக்களையும்தனக்குப்பின் ஏழுகோடி மக்களையும்மக்களையும் பூலோகத்தில் பிறக்கச் செய்தார்
In this world, before Nithyananda was born,
He made 7 crore people to be born in the world7 crore people were born with HimAfter He was born he has invited 7 crore people to this worldHe made them be born on this earth
~ Jiva Nadi Reading of The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam
One such blessed being is KAILASA's Ananda Bhairav. Today we come together to honour the memory of Ananda Bhairav, who walked into the gates of KAILASA as a three-month-old rottweiler, grew up in KAILASA as a Kshetra Palaka, protecting Adi Kailasa Nithyananda Sarvajnapeetham for the last twelve years. Just like any other citizen of KAILASA, Ananda Bhairav actively participated in daily presidential briefs (Nithya Satsangs), several other programs and sincerely walked in his path towards attaining living enlightenment. Ananda Bhairav also had the privilege of getting initiated into Shiva Deeksha to manifest extraordinary superconscious powers of Paramashiva. Ananda Bhairav served as a vital member of KAILASA's Nandi Ṣarvajnapītam that hosts all the beings of the world coexisting with harmony and conscious sovereignty.
शिवाधिष्ठित देहस्तु मरणं याति यो नरः |
स नरः शिव एव स्यात् सर्वपाप बहिष्कृतः ||तस्मादुत्क्रान्ति काले तु स्वेष्टलिङ्गं तु संस्पृशन् |प्राणमोक्षं च कुर्याद्यः स शिवो नात्र संश्यः ||
dīkṣāvyākhyāna saṁsparśāvalokoktimukho dvijāḥ ||
śivādhiṣṭhita dehastu maraṇaṁ yāti yo naraḥ |sa naraḥ śiva eva syāt sarvapāpa bahiṣkṛtaḥ ||tasmādutkrānti kāle tu sveṣṭaliṅgaṁ tu saṁspṛśan |prāṇamokṣaṁ ca kuryādyaḥ sa śivo nātra saṁśyaḥ ||
O, the twice-born sages!, a devotee who has attained a pure body through various initiations such as scriptural explanation(śāstra vyākhyāna), powerful touch(sparśa), look charged with the fire of knowledge(avalōkana), instruction(ukti) and others and whose body has become a fitting seat for Śiva are rightly considered as Lord Śiva Himself since he has been disentangled from all sorts of kārmic effects. A devotee who breathes his last touching the image of his chosen Deity at the final stage of his life when his soul is about to leave the body is verily Lord Śiva Himself. There is no doubt in this regard.
Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA's Proclamation
SpiritualThe Manifestation Of Iraiyanār Sundareśvara Paramaśiva Paramporul