Chapter 1: How it all began.

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It feels kind of unreal. You just finished four whole years of Cosmetic school. The years went by so fast.

Your parents are so proud and they should be. Cosmetic school is not something you should take lightly just because it seems so easy. You can proudly say that you are an expert in makeup, hair, fashion and you name it. Whatever obstacle you've had to face, You did it.

Now here's your biggest obstacle, it's very f*cking boring. This salon that took you in as their intern, also agreed to take you on fulltime. You were very happy about it at first but you feel very different about it right now.

It feels like this job is restraining your creativity. Every customer comes in wanting the same exact things. An all-natural makeup look, straightened hair and wearing an outfit that looks both casual but elegant.
You would like to give a go at something so much different. Colorful crazy hair, freaky makeup and bold outfits. Life's too short to be living "casual but elegant".

On the other hand, you are so thankful that your artistic abilities get lots of support online. Your instagram page actually passed 1.000 followers yesterday, isn't that crazy! Everyone has been very supportive.

Through your instagram account, you've made some friends from all over the world. You've got friends in Italy, France, America, Russia, Japan and weirdly a lot from South-Korea. Some South-Koreans seem to get just as excited about makeup, fashion and hair as you. An online friend you made there is this oh so sweet girl called Ji-Ho. Her English is insanely good but she has been trying to teach you some Korean. You've always been interested in Asian culture and languages.

You have been saving up money from your decent job, to be able to afford plane tickets to South-Korea. You just are so interested in their culture, that you have to experience it just once.

'Alright mum and dad, I've got something to tell you.' you said during dinner.
Your parents both slowly drop their eating hand and look at you. Saying "I've got something to tell you." can always go two ways.
'Alright honey.' mum said.
'Okay, so you guys have been clearly bugging me about living on my own already I-'
'Oh my god you've finally found your own apartment? Let me help you move in. Oh maybe-'
'No.' you interrupted your very enthusiastic father.
'What? Are you moving away to a different country then?' You dad asks sarcastically, laughing with food in his mouth and  nudging your mum with his elbow.
'...Yes.' You say making your dad immediately stop laughing.
'I am actually going.. to.. South-Korea.'
'Oh amazing sweetie you do your thing.' your mum said while calmly continuing eating her dinner.
'Valentina? How can you be so calm with this? Y/N is MOVING away!' Your dad almost screams.
'I'm sorry dad. I get so bored here. I feel like I'm living the same day everyday and I'm looking for a little change.'
'A little change? You could've just found a new hobby or something but traveling to a whole different foreign country is something else. You don't even speak Korean, you've never travelled by yourself and this country is pretty much on the other side of the world!' Your dad stays quiet for a little calming himself down. He then asks 'Will this be permanent?'
'I am not sure dad. It helps that I've made a lot of online friends in Korea so I at least have a place I can stay.'

Let's say your father had to take some time.. adjusting to hearing the news. But, he ended up being very happy for you. Now, you had to get off your ass and start working on learning Korean of course. You felt that if you are going to another country, the least you can do is learn their language and learn about their culture. Even if you are staying permanently or not. But damn this Korean language is difficult to learn. You decided to get Korean classes besides still working your not so exciting job.

You were sitting on you bed at 2 AM still trying to get all the Korean characters in your head. Big bags underneath your eyes, all sugared up on some horrible cheap ice coffee from the corner store. Your mother came into the room.
'Y/N, how are you doing honey?'
'Need... to... learn this.' you mumbled sounding like a zombie.
'And yes, you are working very hard. Look at me for a sec?'
You very hesitantly decided to look your mum straight in the eyes seeing her eyes get wider in shock.
'Oh hell no, you are going straight to bed end of discussion.'
'Mum I'm almost twenty now, I can make my own decisions!'
Your mother ignores your remark and asks 'Would you like for me to tell you a bedtime story before you go to sleep?'
After some staring between your mum and you, having a discussion with her telepathically, you give in '.......Alright then" you said.
You've always loved the way your mum told you bedtime stories. She makes them up right on the spot and always incorporates you as a character in them. You'll be leaving for Korea in a few days so anytime you still got left to spent with your parents, you take.
'Alright then.' She said while removing the dozens of books from your bed and covering you in your thick blanket.
'This story, is about a person named Y/N.'
'Oh what a coincidence.' you say smirking at your mum.
'I know right. Now this person lived in a medieval village a long time ago. It was the kind of village where everyone knew each other. Y/N had always been a troublemaker. They would show up to school and never pay attention in class plus, they would show up dressed in the weirdest outfits. Y/N didn't care about what other children thought about them though. They just did whatever they liked. When Y/N got older, they got to accomplice the castle's princess. Y/N had to help the princess with everyday things. Washing, dressing, hair and makeup.'
'Oh wow that sounds pretty cool.' you said already feeling your eyelids get heavier and heavier. 'The princess and Y/N gained a great friendship. The princess was hesitant at first but liked looking.. different. The couple decided to change the image of medieval fashion forever! But, the village didn't agree. They liked to dress casual, but elegant.'
'I hate those words..' you mumbled.
'But Y/N stayed strong. The princess showed up at balls and feasts in the most colorful and bold looks. Making statements everywhere she went. She was the talk of the town.. no not only the town, the land! People started getting inspired. Slowly but surely everyone started dressing different. Color by color and powder by powder, the image of the village changed. Y/N became a living legend. And they all lived happily...' Your mum pauses
'What?' you said dozing off to sleep.
'And fashionable.'
'That's funny...' And then you fell in the deepest slumber you've had in days.

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