Chapter 13

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Lucifer's POV:

Cade whimpered in agony in my arms, quickly growing close to the point where she would not be able to control her wolf. I grimaced. I had read the stories where those with her... condition, let's say, had lost control before.

Whole civilisations had burned, thousands of lives lost.

All because of one Wolf.

I heard Cade's mate calling her, trying to receive an answer through their mind link. Due to their unique bond, he felt everything she did, including her current pain. That was one thing I did not envy of him.

I answered him for her, telling him Cade's current situation and for him to stay away. Though he was Cade's mate, if he came and was injured, or even died, he would do no favours for her. Eventually, after a few minutes of arguing, he disgruntledly agreed to waiting until she came back to the Pack house.

We finally reached the clearing Cade called her 'safe place', where there was nothing at risk if she ever lost or was dangerously close to losing control. It was many miles away from any pack, so any wolf stupid enough to ignore the signs before the area did so at their own risk.

I laid Cade down gently on the floor, careful to take many steps back as she changed into her wolf form.

I heard her howls, my heart clenching at her pain. I hated seeing her hurt, ever since Cody had 'died'.

Everything went silent, and I quickly moved from the tree I was hiding behind to see if Cade was okay. She had finally transformed, and I couldn't help but look up at her in awe. In human form she was beautifully dangerous, but in wolf form she was simply magnificent.

If there is anything a vampire is drawn to, it is always power, danger and beauty. It's a part of our nature we cannot control.

My attraction to Cade wasn't anything new though; I had been attracted to her for many years, and loved her for the last few.

When Cody had died, she and I were together a few times, though I knew it didn't mean anything to her. She was trying to distract herself from Cody's death and her heartbreak, and try as I might, I was never enough for her.

So I begrudgingly let her go when she finally seemed happy with Cale, but that doesn't mean I've been completely innocent with her.

As if she guessed my thoughts, she tilted her head to the side, sneezing while I laughed at her attempts at a glare. Her wolfy laugh soon followed, a sound everyone loved. It was one of the rare things that had been left untainted from her heartbreak.

She suddenly turned her head to the side, hearing something she could hunt. I quickly sniffed the air; a group of rabbits. Cade growled at me before taking off after the group. I sighed in relief, glad that she had finally become a wolf and was no longer on the verge of killing everyone in her pack.

I may have a love for chaos, but there are some limits.

I quickly sped after her, taking care to stay at a suitable distance so she didn't view me as a threat. She turned to look at me a few times, but seeing I didn't want to steal her hunt focused back on the rabbits.

Soon enough, she had caught every single one, and was now devouring them hungrily. I laughed as I watched, blood smeared all over her muzzle. Wolves were such messy creatures. When we vampires hunted we were neat and tidy, mainly so we didn't leave a trail.

While she ate, I caught the scent of a lone human, causing me to tense. Cade noticed and jumped up, growling. She thought we were in danger.

"Hey, Cade. We're not in danger, it's a human. Would you mind?" I asked. I hadn't hunted in a while, and watching her had made me thirsty.

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