Store Cutscenes

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"Remember, we're going for batteries and getting out of here!" 

"Fine, but if I find any carrots, I'm taking them!"

"...The carrots here wouldn't have expired by now, right?"

"Hmmm.. I could move this shelf out of the way if I had some energy!"

"We have the batteries, now let's get to the exit!"

"Aha, look who's back! I told you they'd be back before noon, Giraffy!"

"A deal's a deal. Great, now I have to cook for the rest of the week..."

"We've got the batteries! Is the radio ready?"

"It sure is! Let's get this thing working!"

"Here goes nothing... Hello? Can anyone hear me?"

"Are you sure it's working?"

"... Greetings, we can hear you. This is Settlement Six Speaking. Who is this?"

"Oh! This is the Safe Place! How can I help?"

"... We are looking for communities to trade with. We'd like to meet up."

"Where should we go to find you?" "... Meet us at the old Oak."

"It looks like we lost their signal."

"We should meet them. We've been living together for months without seeing another survivor."

"I don't think this is a good idea. We don't know anything about them..."

"Is this another one of your jokes, Pony?"

"No, Giraffy, I mean it. We have no idea who those people are, and I don't have any reason to trust them."

"I agree. I don't think we should trust them. But, I still think we should check it out."

"What?! You can't go, Zizzy. We don't know who this people are."

"Pony, we know how to handle ourselves out there. If we get into trouble, we know how to get out of it."

"Zizzy has a point. After all, you two fought an army of infected all by yourselves at the plant."

"I suppose so... I don't feel right about this, but I guess we should try anyways."

"Then it's time to see some new faces! Who is staying?"

"I need to stay. I need to harvest as much as I can before the winter comes."

"I'm going to try and see if I can learn more about this radio."

"Then it looks like it's us three once more!"

"Let's go meet some survivors!"

"Are you sure this is the place? We haven't seen anyone."

"Well, well, well... Look at these familiar faces!"

"Oh no."

"Pony, the ex-member. It's a shame you left us."

"You were a very good friend. It's too bad you are nothing to me now."

"Player, the officer who took me away from my family."

"Must've felt good to rip me away from the ones I cared about, right?"

"And who might you be? You are certainly someone I've never seen before."

"You may not know me, but I know everything you and your sick crew."

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