Carnival, But They Speak In Translate

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(A/N: Carnival translations is the third most popular translation chapter. I didn't want to do Safe Place, even though they were the most popular. So here we are.)

Player stood a distance away from the entrance to the Carnival. They contemplated whether or not to enter for a while, then turned behind them. "Get ready, guys!" They said. A bit of fourth-wall breaking wouldn't hurt, right?

They marched into the Carnival and looked around. "Okay..." They said, looking at the upturned carts and how lonely the rides looked. 

Then...a clown with a giant mallet appeared! "Crap." Player mumbled. It's puzzle time. AGAIN.

After completing a series of puzzles and escaping the clown and a wayward fox with a knife, Player reached the storage unit and expected to see Mr. Golf B, the most famous golf player on Lucella and the one who hit an infected golf ball into his wife's face. After that, when she got infected, everyone did too.

 Instead of finding the infamous golf player, they found a zebra with a fencing foil and a horse with a wooden sword.

"Golf B!...Who are you?" Player exclaimed, surprised to see the two equines instead of the golfer.

"What does that look like?!" The horse shrieked, pointing at Player's physique.

The zebra seemed to analyze Player, then proclaimed, "Thai is not the language of the victim." Player gave her a slightly baffled glance. 

"Sure I know." The horse said, as if trying to not look silly. 

The zebra rolled her eyes. "He found me. He was my friend, and I searched for him many times." She said gesturing to the horse. 

Player seemed irritated and started, "What I'm talking about here-" 

"We went to a safe place to search for life." The zebra interrupted.

Player was about to question the relevance of her statement until the horse exclaimed, "Look, look! They have friends." 

Player whirled around and found the stupid wayward fox. Dammit, they realized they left the cage door open! Or he could've squeezed through the small section, though that's unlikely.

"He is not just a friend." The zebra said with disdain.

"Do not worry." The horse said. He charged towards the fox and whacked him with the flat side of his sword.

"Thanks, we're back." Player said. 

The zebra merely replied with a facepalm. "Of course we are in trouble." She said, and ushered Player and the horse out of the storage unit through the hole in the wall. 

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