Mum, Dad, and Sister

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A/n this chapter is taking place in Harry's pov. This takes place a month after Dracy's 18th birthday (😏).

It has been 7 monthe since Dracy's 18th birthday. We didn't go back to Hogwarts, but we are taking our NEWTS and everything. I have already took mine, and Dracy is taking hers.
"HARRY!" Dracy yells when she gets to 12 Grimmauld Place. I get up, and walk to the door. "Yes?" I ask.
"We need to celebrate!" She says, and I give her a confused look. She shows me her paper, and I pick her up. "Well, how do you want to celebrate?" I say putting her down.
"Oh, I don't know..." She says as she puts her hands around my neck. "Oh, I see." I say and kiss her.
I deepen the kiss after a few minutes. And I pick her up, making her legs go around me. I push her against the wall, still deepening the kiss.
Soon, we lead to the bedroom. And yeah, you know what happens after that.
A week after having sex, Dracy was throwing up. And I instantly knew. "You didn't wear a condom, did you?" She ask me after a other week of throwing up.
I take a deep breath, "I'm sorry, love. Do you want me to go get a pregnancy test?" I ask, feeling like a idiot.
"Don't be. You know I wanted to start a family when I was young. I'm actually happy that you didn't wear a condom, and plus we are ready." Dracy says, and I just smile at her.
She had always planned of having at least one kid, before getting married. I didn't care, and she was right. I was already in the Mafia, and getting good money.
"Yeah, I guess your right." I say as I pick Dracy up in bridal style. "Now, we need to learn how to tell our parents." I say, while putting Dracy on the couch.
"Now, that's gonna be the hard part." Dracy says with a deep breath. I nod my head.
"Shouldn't we actually get a pregnancy test to make sure." I say, and we both laugh at our stupidity.
"Yes, I think we should." Dracy says after she done laughing. "Well, go get dressed. We have somewhere to be." I say as I stand up.
I help Dracy get up, then I went and got on my shoes. Dracy went up and got dressed. After a few minutes, she came downstairs ready to go.
"Ready to go on our mission." I say with fake serious face. She laughs, and come over to me. "Yes, yes I am." She say with a matter-of-fact voice. We both start laughing, which some how lead us to kissing.
After we finally got out of the house, we headed to the drug store. On the way there, we listened to music and sang.
We made it to the drug store, and Dracy went in. After a few minutes, she came back holding two bags of stuff.
"Did you even get the pregnancy test?" I ask with a chuckle. She rolls her eyes, and nods her head yes.
"What is this all for?" I ask, while backing out of the parking spot. "Some makeup, makeup wipes, and some envelope." She says as she goes through the bags. I nod my head.
We made back home. Dracy went straight to the bathroom, and I went to the kitchen. I was going through the bags of stuff, when the door bell rang. I look at the date, and realize today my parents were visiting.
"Harry, who is it?" Dracy asks while still the bathroom. "My parents..." I say back, and walk over to the door.
I open the door to get in gulfed with a hug. "Hi, mum." I say as I hug her back. My dad walks in and laughs.
"Hi, my baby." My mum says, and I smile at her. Mum let's go, and moves over. "Hey, dad." I say, and my dad pats my shoulder. "Hey, son." He says with a smile.
"Harry!" I knew that voice, and I prepare for impact. It was my little sister, Isabella. She came running in, and tried to get me on the ground. I stayed in one spot, and just smirked at her.
Isabella is 3 years younger than me, so we have a close but not so close bond.
"Where's my future daughter-in-law?" My mum ask me. "Bathroom. Sorry, I'm not looking at you mum. It's just, I'm letting her win." I say as Isabella kicks for my face, I dodged her, and grab her other leg.
"I know, and just be careful." Mum says, she knows she can't stop us now. I pull the the leg I have to me, and make Isabella coming falling down.
She hits her head on the carpet, and just takes a deep breath. I smirk at her, then look at mum and dad.
"That's my boy!" My dad says before getting hit in the arm by my mum. I laugh, this is how is in my family. And hopefully this is how it will be for me and Dracy's family.
"There she is!" Mum says as Dracy comes out of the restroom. Isabella stands up, and goes to Dracy to tell her what I did. Dad walks off in the kitchen, and I go in bathroom while no one noticed. I look at the pregnancy test, and it has two pink lines. I smile, and quickly hides the pregnancy test.
After a few the girls start walking inro the kitchen, where and my dad are sitting. They came in laughing have a fun, my and my dad locked eyes. We had the same look 'what have we done'. Me and dad start talking about who is going on the next mission.
"You, and me are both going as well." My dad says, and I knew instantly I can't go. This is one of this missions where we will be gone for a while.
"I can't go on this mission." I say as I look at him in the eye. He nods his head, and looks at me. "Looks like I'm not going either, then." He says with a smile.
You see me and my dad both work in the Mafia, and we are know for our duo work. So, when one can't come the other one doesn't go.
I smile, and he smiles back. I am really hoping for a son or a daughter who will join our family legacy.
"Dracy, dear is okay if I use the restroom?" Mum ask, and Dracy noded her head. Mum walks to the bathroom, and everyone continues to talk. "Harry or Dracy, do you know where a hair tie is?" Mum ask, and without thinking I respond. "Yeah, in the drawer under the sink." I say, and that's where I put the pregnancy test. "Thank you sweetie." Mum says as she walks back into the bathroom. As soon I hear the door shut, that's when it hits me.
I look at Dracy, with a shock/scared expression. But, before I could pull Dracy, "HARRY JAMES POTTER!" mum shouts. And Dracy looks at me.
Dad looks at me concerned, and I just smile. I stand up, and walk to the bathroom. Lucky, Dracy was right beside me.
When I knocked on the door mum came out holding the pregnancy test, and her face red from anger (I'm guessing)
"Harry James Potter." Mum says, and I can feel my heart racing. "Yes, we know mum. And yes, I know we are only 18. But, we are ready." I say taking all the bravest I have in me, to say that.
"Wait, what? I'm mad that your 18 and expecting. I know you both are more than ready. I'm mad that you didn't tell me." Mum says, and all my scaredness disappears. I take a deep breath and I am pretty sure Dracy also takes one.
"Well, mum we didn't find out until today." I say with a smile. I can feel my dad, and sister's eyes on us. "So, we are first to know?" Mum ask, and I nod my head.
"I'm going to be a grandma!" My mum yells as she runs to Dracy, and me. "I'm going to be an aunt... I'm going to be am aunt!" Isabella says as she hugs us, and mum hugs as well.
After a hug from both of them, Dracy is dragged off by them. I turn to see my dad. He was standing with his arms crossed, he one ever did that when he was mad at me. I glup, what if I messed up something, I think.
"Is it true?" Dad asks me while looking at me dead in the eyes. "Yes... Sir..." I says as I forget who I'm talking to. "Sir? Do you think at you mad?" Dad asks while uncrossing his arms. I take a deep breath, "Yes." I say, while looking down.
"Harry, my boy, I would never be mad about you getting someone pregnant. Specially, her. You lover her, and loves you." My dad says while patting my bad, and I smile at him. "Thanks dad." I say, and taking a deep breath.
"Now, aren't you two spending the night with her parents in a few weeks." Dad says, and I nod my head. I don't know how her parents would take it.
"But, why did you look angry?" I ask as I look at him. "I was thinking. Is this why you couldn't go on the trip, and what will happen to us?" Dad says, and he sounds hurt. I knew what he meant.
"Well Dad, nothing's going to change between us well except maybe someone else joining us." I say with a smirk. He laughs and rubs my head. "Maybe. What will we be then, Dad, son and grandson?" My dad says, as he says the last part he confuses himself.
I laugh, "Well, it could be a granddaughter." I say with a smile. "True." Dad says while nodding his head.
"Come on let's go see what your mum, and sister are doing to your future wife." Dad says, with a chuckle. I chuckle with him.
We go upstairs, where my mum and sis took Dracy. "Okay, what room are you going to make the Nursery." Mum says, and I see Dracy getting nervous.
"Okay, mum. That's enough." I say while putting my arm on Dracy's arm, and her shoulder. "Oh, sorry Dracy. I should have realized your not ready for all this." Mum says, and Dracy smiles at her.
"Okay, I think they need to have some family time together. As a family of 2, and 1 on the way." Dad says as he gets mum, and sister downstairs.
I walk down the stairs, helping Dracy. When, we get downstairs we hug everyone goodbye. I quietly thank
After they all left, me and Dracy layed down on the couch. "Now, we have to way to tell your parents." I say with a deep breath. "Right." Dracy says, with a deep breath.
I smile at her, I put my hands on your stomach. "I'm scared, but we got this." I say as rub her stomach. She nods her head, and starts to fall asleep in my arms.
"Do you want to lay down here or go to the bed?" I also her, and she point down. "I'm guessing here." I say and she nods her head.
Well, today was a adventure. My mum, dad, and sister found out the same day as us that we were pregnant.
I can't wait, for the weeks to come.

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