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Draco pov

It's been 2 weeks since the accident. I really haven't left that much. Only to clean myself, or eat.
Today or tomorrow Harry is supposed to wake up. Our babies have grown very little in the last 2 weeks. I'm concerned for them, but I know when Harry wakes up they will start growing normally.
I was holding Harry's hands, I didn't even realize his eyes started to open. He had to squeeze my hand for me to look at him.
"HARRY!" I yell as I jump up from my chair. Harry had a huge grin on his face, oh how much I have missed that smile.
Then, it hits me I have to go get the doctor. "I'll be right back, I need to go get the doctor." I say as I kiss his forehead and walk out of the room. I quickly find a doctor.
"My boyfriend, Harry Potter, just woke." I say to a doctor. They look at me, and nod their head. They walk with me to his room.
We go in and the doctor smiles at Harry. I quickly go to Harry's right side. He holds his hand out for mine, like he does when he's driving.
"Mr. Potter, I'm Dr. Hale." The doctor was woman. She had dark brown hair, caramel skin, and hazel eyes. "You can just call me Harry." Harry says with a smile.
"Do you remember everything? Like where you live? Who your parents are? You are are dating?" Dr. Hale asks and Harry smiles at her.
"Yes. I live at 12 Grimmauld Place, but we are planning on moving soon. My parents our Lily, and James Potter. I have a sister named Isabella, who is 2 years younger than me. I'm dating this amazing woman. And I'm a father-to-be. And to expect twins, boy and girl." Harry says, and we both stare at him.
Dr. Hale looks at me, I nod my head agreeing with everything he said. "Well, Mr. Potter seems like you are perfectly healthy. And none of your memories was messed up from the fall. So, you will discharged tomorrow or so." Dr. Hale says with a bright smile.
Harry nods his head, and the doctor leaves. "Now, I think we should call the family." Harry says looking at me, and I nod my head. "But, before you go." He pulls me in and kisses me.
Oh, how much I have missed his lips. I kiss back, then after a second I break away.
I walk out of the room, and call everyone. I walk back in the room to tell them that they will be here soon. I smiles at me.
Soon everyone gets there. I smile Cato had brought his girlfriend. "Hey, Harry. She says with a smile.
"Hi, Diana. Cato, when?" Harry saysz and we all look at Cato. Cato looks away from Harry, Diana laughs.
"We were planning on telling you the day after the gender reveal. But things obviously changed." Cato says, and everyone, but Harry and Diana are looking at each other confused.
"He proposed, Dracy." Harry says using his eyes to point to Diana's hand. My eyes widen, I look at her hand to see a ring.
"I'm going to have sister!" I yell as I hug her. She hugs back, I was happy. Harry was wake, my brother proposed to his girlfriend.
Everyone laughs, and soon everyone talking to Harry, Diana, and Cato. "So, have plans?" Harry asks Diana. Diana eyes widenz and Cato looks scared. They talk for an hours about plans for her and Cato's wedding.
Eventually, they all left. I looked at Harry. "Come here." He says as he sees I'm looking. I walk over to him. He pulls me down, and kisses me. I kiss back, and sit on his bed.
He breaks the kiss, and I smile at him. "May I touch your belly?" He asks, and I nod. He smiles, and touchs my belly. He starts to rub it, and I smile at him. He knows what to do, even when I don't know.
I started to get tired. I didn't even realize I fell asleep until I opened my eyes. I Harry's arm around my waist, on my belly.
I try to get up, but Harry arm won't let me. "No, don't leave me. Not, yet." Harry says as he cuddles me closer. I can't help but to smile.
After a while, Harry finally wakes up fully. "Good morning, love." He says, and I smile. I have always loved that pet name.
"Good morning, mari." I say, he smiles at me. "So, now I'm your husband?" He says with a smirk. I nod my head, get out the bed. I walk to the bathroom, and get my medicine.
I quickly take my medicine, and use the bathroom. I walk back out to see Harry talking to Dr. Hale.
"Hey, love. Dr. Hale was just telling me how I was going to discharge tomorrow instead of today." Harry says, and I look at him with an confused face.
"Oh, why?" I ask I look at Dr. Hale. "He need to get a CAT scan done." She say with a smile towards Harry. I guess Harry notices and looks at me with a smile. "I could ask the people that are doing the CAT scan to let you be in the same room as them." Harry says.
I smile, and I know he is trying to comfort me. "Please." I say with a happy grin.
Dr. Hale nods her head, and leaves. After she leaves, Harry makes a looks at me with widen eyes. "Well, you were the bathroom she tried to hit on me! I wanted to yell at her, so bad. I wanted to tell, I plan on marrying you! I'm not leaving you with twins!" Harry yells mad.
I laugh, I love this side of him. When, he gets possessive of me. "I know you're not leaving me with the twins. In the marriage thing well that can happen anytime now I am 18 and so are you." I say with a smile.
He smiles at me, and then he got up. He used the bathroom, then got ready for the CAT scan.
After the CAT scan, me and Harry were cuddling. I was so happy Harry was awake, and soon we would be out of the hospital. Then, we would be parents. And maybe, just maybe, we could start to plan a wedding.

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